Chapter 6 - You'll always be safe in my arms and I'll always be safe in yours.

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That night was a complete mix of emotions, but now I know who my Partner in Crime is and I know this one is definitely going to be forever as well.

I woke up to Tom in my arms, just the way I wanted it to be, I smiled and kissed his forehead as he woke up.

Gosh he looked so cute with his morning bed hair, his curls wild and stray.

"Morning darling" I mumbled.

He smiled and kissed me on my lips,

"Eww gross I haven't even brushed my teeth" I say after he pulling away.

Ignoring my comment he says "so this wasn't just as dream after all."

"Afraid not, you're stuck with me now" I say giggling

"And Haz, I don't have any problems with that, I can't find a single fault" Tom replies chuckling.

I tickle him because of his cute answer and he laughs hard trying to tickle me back.

"Come on babe let's get ready" he says after I've stopped tickling him.

"Hmmm I could get used to you calling me "babe" Tommy" I say.

Tom gets up to go and get ready as we can't lie in bed the whole day, and as I hear the shower start I know that's my cue to follow him in.

Even though Tom and I been "together" for less than a little over a day, it already feels like we've been together for an eternity, take today for example.

I was on the couch reading when suddenly Tom jumps onto me and starts kissing me trying to grab my attention, as fast as I could, I put my book down and pinned him onto the couch laughing.

After that he cuddled up against me and I read the book out loud to him. That's the kind of thing old people do, not to mention drinking cups of tea whenever Tom and I are playing games.

Over the next few weeks of us being together, we couldn't really get any closer than we already were, us being best friends as well as Boyfriends made us pretty close to start with. One thing Tom did start doing differently was, whenever things don't go his way he gives those puppy dog eyes and then he just huffs off like a complete baby, knowing I'm going to go after him. It's very childish but I think it's completely adorable. Then sometimes he'd lie in my lap and I'd tangle my hands in his hair just gently playing with it. It's worth it though there's no place I'd rather be, knowing I'll always be safe in his arms and he'll always be safe in mine.


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