Part 1: In class

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Eren’s P.O.V.

I sit in my desk, bored as hell. There are a few minutes until class starts, and Professor Levi still hasn’t shown up. He’s usually here by now, and it’s kind of weird he isn’t. The door was unlocked so we all came in, even though technically we weren’t supposed to. Oh and by ‘we all’ I mean the rest of the class. In my class we have, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Marco, and Christa. We’re a pretty small class. I suppose it would be best to describe each classmate. First off, Armin; he’s my best friend, a great guy, and really smart. Next, Mikasa; she’s practically my sister, and overall she’s pretty cool, even though she’s Professor Levi’s daughter. Then we have, Jean; he’s an asshole, and I’m pretty sure he has a crush on Marco. Then there’s Sasha, she’s nice, but she tends to stress-eat, and sad-eat. And happy-eat. She just eats a lot. There’s also, Marco. He’s a nice guy, but I think he has a thing for Jean. Either way, he’s still a good guy. Lastly we have Christa, she’s really nice.

            “Shit!” I mumble. “Hey, Armin, can I copy your homework answers?” I ask leaning over to Armin.

            “Uh, sure, but why didn’t you get your homework done last night?” he asks as he hands me his homework.

            “I was busy,” I reply as I start filling out the answers I didn’t get done. Okay so I wasn’t really busy. I just forgot I had homework, and I really can’t get another ‘F.’ Alright I’m on the last question I need to get down. Slam! Too late.

“Class,” Professor Levi says. He’s not the nicest teacher. He’s good at getting points across to the class, but he doesn’t really help. I get the feeling he doesn’t really like me, or many people really. He probably just doesn’t like me because I’m so close to his daughter. Now that he’s here I can’t even give Armin back his homework, or we’ll both get an ‘F.’ He’ll probably notice I have two papers on my desk anyway. “Jaeger, why do you have two papers on your desk?” Called it.

“Me and Armin were comparing answers,” I say. Please don’t find out it’s a lie. Please don’t find out it’s a lie.

“Arlert is that what happened?”

“Yes, Professor, Eren wanted to check over his answers,” Armin answers. Armin was always trying to keep me out of trouble.

“Alright,” Professor Levi says walking over to us. “Then, why aren’t all of your answers filled out?” He picks both of the papers off of the desk and rips them in half. “This is the third time I caught you cheating, Jaeger. If I catch you cheating again, it’s straight up to Principle Erwin’s office,” he says walking back to his desk. “Now class, before I begin the lesson, I have an announcement. We’re going on a class trip with Professor Hanji’s class. We’re going to Wisconsin Dells, then Six Flags. I need these permission slips signed and turned in tomorrow. Marco, pass these around. Now, any questions?”

“Why are we going to Wisconsin Dells?” Jean asks. It was more of a complaint than anything but whatever.

“It was Professor Hanji’s idea. Ask her why. Any other questions?”

“How are we getting there?” Christa asks. That was a good question since it didn’t say how on the sheet.

“It’s going to be a road trip, so we’re taking a van. Anyone else have a question?” No one raises their hand so Professor Levi just goes on with the lesson.

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