Part 2: The Adventure (torture) Begins

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Eren’s P.O.V

            Okay, I know Professor Levi said we were taking a van, but I don’t think we’re all going to fit. Because now there’s a total of twelve students attending this trip. I should probably say who’s all going. Well, all of my class is going, and we already know everyone in my class. So in Hanji’s class, there’s Connie, Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, and Ymir. I guess since I described everyone in my class, it’s only fair to describe everyone in Hanji’s class. First, Connie. He’s nice, a little weird and dorky, and he totally has a thing for Sasha, everyone’s just waiting for them to become a couple. Next, Reiner. He’s a gigantic brute with the mind of a pig. Those aren’t my words, but it’s true. Then there’s Annie. To be honest, she scares me. She’s just cold and unfriendly and doesn’t talk much. It’s probably better she doesn’t talk much. There’s also Bertholdt. He’s nice, I guess. I haven’t really talked to him. We had a conversation like once, so I don’t really know much about him. Lastly, Ymir. She’s nice, but she can be a little, possessive, so to speak, over Christa. I mean they are dating, so it makes sense. Professor Levi left to get the van, while Hanji watches us. “Hanji, why is taking so long for Professor Levi to get here?” I ask. I’m getting tired of waiting for him to get back. He left like fifteen minutes ago, and still hasn’t got back.

            “He’s probably just making sure it’s clean,” Hanji says. We all laugh about that. Professor Levi really is a neat-freak, so this might not be the best trip. I think it’ll be pretty fun. Maybe not the car ride. That’s going to take forever, since we live over a day away from the Dells. “Oh, here he comes,” Hanji says. Okay. Never mind what I said about not fitting in the van. That van looks huge. It’s like the size of a small bus! Professor Levi stops the van and gets out. “Get your stuff in the back, then get in. We don’t have time to waste,” Levi says picking up his bag and sticking it in the trunk. We all put our stuff in the trunk, with the only difficulty being Connie had to get something from his bag. It was his phone. I don’t know why he stuck it in his bag in the first place, but whatever.

            We did all fit in the van. Professor Levi and Hanji had the front seats. In the next row there was Reiner and Annie, with the cooler in between the two seats. Next row was Sasha and Connie, again in a two chair row. Behind them was, Christa and Ymir. Then, there was Marco, Jean, and Bertholdt. And, finally, in the last row, me, Armin, and Mikasa. I’m just now realizing how weird this van is set up. I mean there are three rows for two people, counting the driver and passenger seats. I just don’t get why Christa and Ymir took up a whole three person seat. Oh well. It’s not affecting me in anyway. “Hey, Professor Levi, can we stop for breakfast?” Sasha asks.

            “Isn’t there food in the cooler?” Professor Levi asks, instead of answering.

            “Yea, but it’s not really breakfast food. It’s all chips, pretzels, cookies, sodas, juice, and water in there,” she replies.

            “How do you have the contents of the cooler memorized? You’re not even the one who packed it!” Reiner shouts, with the cooler lid open, looking into it.

            “This is Sasha we’re talking about Reiner. How wouldn’t she have it memorized,” Hanji but’s in.

            “Alright we can stop for breakfast. But we’re just going to Subway,” Professor Levi says, causing multiple shouts complaining about his choice.

            “Shut up! Where would you rather go then?”

            “McDonald’s!” Practically all of us shout.

            “Fine. We’ll go to McDonald’s. But we’re just going through the drive through then,” Professor Levi says.

Levi’s P.O.V.

            I knew this was a bad idea. At least the food got them all to shut up. I don’t think I could’ve taken another minute of all their shouting. “Hey! What the hell was that for?” Jean shouts. Apparently, I spoke too soon.

“Why are you looking at me? I didn’t do anything!” Eren shouts back.

“Hey! What’s going on back there?” I shout at the both of them.

“Eren threw food at me!”

“I did not!”

“Yes you did!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Enough! I will turn this car around, and ruin the trip for everyone.” I yell. My patience is already wearing thin, the last thing I need is those two fighting in the car.

“Levi they’re just being teenagers. You should lighten up,” Hanji says.

“Tch, I’d consider lightening up, if they started acting like adults, instead of five year olds.” I swear everyone on this trip is an idiot.

Hanji’s P.O.V.

Levi can really be harsh on the students. They’re just trying to have fun. And it’s not like he was much better when he was their age. I let out a large yawn. “Let’s turn on the radio, before someone falls asleep,” I say as turn it on. I don’t like this station so I switch the station. I like this song, and apparently so do most of the students, since a few of them burst out singing, and others start dancing in their seats. It was great, until Levi turned off the radio. I turn it back on and change the station. Levi turns the radio off again. I turn the radio back on and change the station again. Levi turns it off again. This continues for five minutes, and stops when the radio breaks. We can’t turn the radio off, and it’s stuck on yodeling. I didn’t even know there was a station for yodeling. I can’t even adjust the volume, so it’s pretty loud. It would have been loud either way, but now it’s louder than it should have been.

“Happy now Zoe?” Levi asks, clearly not happy about the radio being broken.

“No,” I say. This would have been a lot more serious, if it wasn’t for the given music.

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