Part 3: Night at the Hotel

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Levi’s P.O.V

            It’s about time we got to this damn hotel. With all the arguing, shouting, and yodeling going on in that van, I was about ready to kick someone in the face. And the van! It’s an absolute disaster. Food crumbs are everywhere, and someone, Eren, ‘accidentally’ spilled soda on Jean, so now that whole seat is sticky. And I just cleaned the van this morning. “Alright students, I’ve prepared room partners for each of you. So in room 582 it’s Sasha and Ymir,” I begin before being so rudely interrupted by Ymir.

            “Why can’t I share a room with Christa? We’re both girls!” She shouts.

            “You’re dating each other. I wouldn’t trust you two alone anywhere,” I say before continuing the list. “In room 583 it’s Armin, Reiner, and Bertholdt. In room 584 there’s Marco and Connie. In room 585 Mikasa, Christa, and Annie. And lastly, in room 586 Eren and Jean.”

            “What! No! I hate him! He’s an asshole! I’m not the asshole you’re the asshole!” Eren and Jean start yelling at the same time. “Professor can’t I have a different room?” Eren asks.

            “No. Now if there’s any trouble, my room is 587 and Professor Hanji’s room is 581. Girls, please bring your problems to Hanji,” I say. That ended all arguments for the time being.

Jean’s P.O.V

            Great. Just perfect. Why do I get stuck with that prick! Why couldn’t I share a room with Marco? I’d settle for sharing a room with Reiner, or anyone else besides Eren! This fucking sucks. We go up to the rooms, with only a few complaints from people.

“Hey Jean,” Marco says. I didn’t notice he was behind me, but whatever.

“Hi, Marco,” I respond.

            “I’m sorry you have to share a room with Eren, since you don’t like him.”

            “It’s okay. It’d be fun to share a room with you though.”

            “Yeah, that would be fun. So are you looking forward to going to the Dells?”

            “Yeah, it sounds like a lot of fun. I mean I wasn’t too happy about going at first, but I think it’ll be fun.”

            “Me too. Do you think we’re going have the same room partners through the entire trip?”

            “I hope not.”

            “I don’t mind sharing a room with Connie. Well I’m at my room, so I’ll see you around.”

            “Yeah, bye.” I say as Marco goes into his room. He’s such a great guy. I wonder if he likes me too. I might as well go to my hotel room now.

Ymir’s P.O.V

            Why do I have to share a room with Sasha? I mean she’s nice, but all she does is eat and goof around. Honestly I think she’s crazy! And I really don’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night to her crunching on potato chips!  Seriously, why couldn’t Professor Levi trust me and Christa in a room together? It’s not like would’ve done anything. But, no, we can’t be trusted to share a room. Whatever, at least me and Christa get to sit next to each other in the van.

Sasha’s P.O.V

            I guess I’m okay with sharing a room with Ymir. I don’t really know much about her, because she doesn’t really talk to me. Plus, she’s kind of scary. Not as scary as Annie, but still scary. I don’t know how Christa puts up with her. Oh well. Might as well try to be friendly. “Hey, Ymir. Do want some chips?” I ask her.

            “No thanks, I think I’ll go change into my pajamas,” she says getting up. So much for being friendly.

Christa’s P.O.V

            I’m glad Mikasa’s my roommate. Annie’s pretty scary, but Mikasa’s nice. I miss Ymir, but at least I have a chance to get closer to Mikasa, and hopefully Annie won’t be as scary anymore.

Mikasa’s P.O.V

            I’m not happy about my roommates. Christa’s okay, but I can’t stand Annie. In fact I hate her. I guess we’ll be okay so long as we don’t talk to each other, and stay on separate sides of the room.

Annie’s P.O.V

            I’m fine with Christa, even if she is a little too happy for my liking, but I’m not fine with sharing a room with Mikasa. I can just see this ending badly.

Marco’s P.O.V

            Connie’s pretty cool, but I wish I was sharing a room with Jean. I really like Jean, I’m just too nervous to say it, plus I don’t think he feels the same way about me. It’d be nice if he did, but that would never happen. At least I can try to tell Jean my feelings about him on this trip. I was going to earlier but we got my room, so maybe another time.

Connie’s P.O.V

            Marco’s a cool guy. I don’t really know him that well, but we could probably end up being good friends by the end of this trip. Maybe I can ask Sasha out while we’re on this trip to. This is just a great trip all in all.

Armin’s P.O.V

            Why am I stuck with these two? They’re both twice my size and each are capable of being mean to me. Maybe if I just sit in the corner and be quiet they’ll leave me alone. I really hope that I make through the night without getting hurt.

Eren’s P.O.V

            I don’t want to be stuck in this room with Jean. I mean seriously, can’t we throw him in with Reiner and Bertholdt, and Armin can share a room with me. But no! I’m stuck with that jerk! And Professor Levi’s right across the hall so if me and Jean start fighting, which we probably will, he’s going to hear us right away and punish us with cleaning the van. Not even waiting until morning, he’ll drag us outside in the middle of the night and force us to clean. All I know is this is going to be the worst night at a hotel ever.

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