Part 6-Noah's Ark

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Hanji’s P.O.V

            We all slept in, and we have to be out of the rooms by eleven a.m. It’s 10:30. I’m brushing my teeth as fast as possible and getting changed at the same time. Shit, Levi’s probably got a hangover so he probably doesn’t want to get up. Alright I really, need to get the students up. I’m bad at getting up when I was drinking the day before. I quickly shove all my stuff in my bag and zip it up. Okay, first wake up the students, then deal with Levi. Good plan. Alright first Jean and Marco. I open the door, and close it. I’ll deal with those two snuggling later. Okay, I’ll wake up Annie, Ymir, and Sasha first.

            “Girls, you have to get up. We’re behind schedule,” I say opening the door. Annie and Ymir are already up, but Sasha’s still asleep.

            “I’ll get Sasha up,” Annie says.

            “Christa and Mikasa are already up, by the way,” Ymir says glancing at her phone. I nod and head out of the room. Okay, time to wake up Bertholdt, Reiner, and Connie.

            “Boys, get up and out of bed. We’re behind schedule!” I yell through the door, slamming my fist on it.

            “We’re up Professor Hanji,” Reiner yells back. I walk away and to Armin and Eren’s room, since Mikasa and Christa are already up.

            “Armin, Eren, wake up we got to go!” I yell.

            “Well, I’m up, but Eren’s refusing to wake up,” Armin says opening the door.

            “Alright, I’ll handle this,” I say walking into the room. “Eren, wake up,” I yell pushing him over. Yea, he’s not waking up easily. I grab one side of the mattress and tip it over, sending Eren onto the floor.

            “Ow, hey what was that for?” Eren asks.

            “We’re behind schedule. We need to be out of the rooms by eleven and it’s now 10:45. And I still need to get Levi up. So please, just get dressed, get packed, and be ready for when I come get you next time,” I say before leaving. Time to wake up Levi.

“Levi get up,” I say poking him.

“This is all your fault Hanji. I hope you know you’re driving today,” he says sitting up and putting his head in his hands.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, here I got you some ibuprofen and water, so please just get up and get ready,” I say leaving.

Alright, just go in there, and…and…and…how do you handle two guys snuggling? Since when were they dating anyway? And what am I going to tell Levi? ‘Hey Levi, we have to switch up room arrangements again because Jean and Marco are suddenly dating. Yeah I don’t know when or how that happened.’ You know what, I just won’t tell him. Yeah, that’ll work. Just open the door Hanji.

“Boys, it’s time to wake up,” I say as I open the door while knocking. Marco sits up and rubs his eyes. And then he realizes what happened.

“Uh…Professor Hanji. Um…Jean and I weren’t…aren’t…uh,” he stutters.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Levi,” I say.

“Tell me what?”

Levi’s P.O.V

            Jean and Marco are dating. I can tell since I was passing by, and heard Marco’s nervous stutters. Hanji slowly turns around.

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