Benedict Cumberbatch X Reader .:A Cumber-batch of Cookies:.

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You loved Ben, you really did. But sometimes you couldn't resist making puns out of his last name. Giggling as you grabbed the bowl from the cabinet, you began to pour in your ingredients.

-Flour? Check.

-Sugar? Check.

-Salt? Check.

-Eggs? Check.

You added in a few other ingredients and then thoroughly mixed them.

"Hey, Y/N, what're you making?" A deep voice asked as you felt arms wrap around your waist. You blushed, a mischievous smile creeping up onto your lips.

"Oh... nothing... just a cumber-batch of coo-" you were interrupted by Benedict's voice. "Your making cookies just to make a pun out of my name aren't you?"

"Oh Darling, you know me so well." You giggled turning in his arms to face him. He smiled and kissed you forehead. "Hate to break it to you but I think you'll need an actual Cumberbatch to make a Cumber-batch of cookies."

"Care to help me then?" You smiled. He nodded and you both began to shape the dough into balls, placing them on a cookie sheet. The oven beeped signifying it was pre-heated and you placed the sheet in the warm chamber. And that's the story of how you found out to always label Sugar from Salt. Salty cookies aren't the best...

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