Saving Shadow

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This day started just like every other. Sonic and the gang was having breakfast at Mep Burger and they thought that this day will be fightless, but they were wrong.
As they were sitting by their table, eating their burgers, they watched the news on the TV that was right next to their table and the news just reported that Dr Eggman is attacking the village.

"Great, now this day is ruined as well!" Said Sonic with an angry voice.

"Come on, Sonic! We need to fight him before he destroys the whole village!" Yelled Amy as she and the others got up from the table and started running to the place where Eggman was.

Sonic growled a bit before he ran after the others.
As they arrived they beat Eggman's robots as usual while Sonic was fighting with Eggman. You know the usual mouth-fight.

"So original! You brought your old toys, Egghead!" Said Sonic sarcastically. "Don't you have anything new for us?"

"Oh, shut your mouth, you blue rat! Do you have any idea how much time it takes to create new robots?" Asked Eggman, obviously getting mad at Sonic for insulting him.

"Well, aren't you supposed to be the "evil genius" here? Make time for your projects!" Answered Sonic laughing as they saw Eggman's biggest robot falling down on the ground.

"I might not be able to make new ones, but that's why I brought some help with me!" As Eggman was talking, a black hedgehog walked up to be seen in front of Sonic. He was Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sonic was a little shocked to see Shadow working for Eggman. He knew there must be something wrong because Shadow would never work for Eggman without a weird reason. But what could it be this time?

"So you made Shadow do your work? Well, I am not surprised, since you can't do anything without others helping you out!" Yelled Sonic making sure Eggman was mad at him.

"Why you little- you will see what will happen to you once I get you! Go Shadow!" Growled Eggman, ordering Shadow to attack Sonic.

Shadow nod as he dashed to Sonic who welcomed Shadow's attacks. Shadow punched Sonic on his right shoulder as he turned left to avoid him but then he punched back. Shadow then kicked Sonic on his back making him fall on the ground then he jumped to hit him again but Sonic rolled away quickly making Shadow hit the ground with his right fist.

"Why are you doing this, Shadow?" Sonic asked him as he stood up to face Shadow. "I know you wouldn't attack me without a reason, so tell me!"

Shadow didn't answer, he just growled and looked more angrier than before and he ran to Sonic again but his attacks seemed a bit weaker. Sonic punched Shadow on his chest and Shadow just fell on his knees and Sonic noticed something weird on Shadow's back.

"So that's what's going on in here!" Thought Sonic as he looked at Eggman then back at Shadow who shook his head to get his mind back to think straight again.

Sonic ran behind Shadow and tried to get the weird machine off of Shadow's back but he didn't let him so Shadow turned around and hit Sonic in his stomach to make him get away from him.

"Damn it! What did you do to him, Egghead?" Yelled Sonic to Eggman.

"I just put a little something on Shadow to make him obey everything I tell him." Answered Eggman as an evil smirk appeared on his face.

Shadow quickly got up and got himself ready to keep on fighting but what he wasn't ready for was the gang. He didn't have to wait much until the others ran toward him. Amy attacked him with her hammer but Shadow teleported from there to five feet away just to get attacked by Knuckles and Sticks.

"Wait! Stop attacking him!" Yelled Sonic as he ran to stand in front of Shadow to protect him.

Shadow looked like he could faint any moment and he did not so long after Sonic appeared in front of him. The others looked at Sonic with surprise but of course they didn't do anything.

Eggman got really mad and he yelled really loud. "You win this time! But next time I will get you!" As he said all of this a big tentacle like arm took Shadow by his hips and took him as Eggman flew away with Shadow.

When he was gone, the others ran to Sonic.

"Why did you save Shadow?" Asked Tails.

"Because he didn't attack me by his choice! Eggman did something to him to do this! We must save him!" Said Sonic as he turned to the direction Eggman left with Shadow.

"Why do you want to save him? Even if Eggman made him to attack now, he might attack you later by himself?!" Asked Amy.

"Because even if he is our enemy, he doesn't deserve to be used by Eggman!" Answered Sonic.

"You're right! But how could we save him?" Said Tails.

Meanwhile in Eggman's lab:

"I can't believe that Shadow lost to Sonic again! He won't do me much help if this keeps going on! What should I do to make him stronger?" Said Eggman as he locked Shadow to a cage.

Eggman left Shadow in a really dark room and went back to his lab with the machine that was on Shadow's back to make some changes on it.

Meanwhile Sonic and the others were on Eggman's island already and they wanted to break in to save Shadow.

"Now what should we do?" Asked Amy.

"Maybe we could gen in through a window." Suggested Tails.

"Good idea!" Said Sonic as he looked around the building to find a window and a little window hit his eyes at the end of the building. "We could get in by that window!"

"Yeah. It's even open!" Said Tails.

They avoided talking and they went in by that window. The window lead them to a dark hallway. They followed it to the right and they found themselves many rooms. They decided to split up and each of them looked around in one room. They looked at four or five rooms already when Sonic found Shadow in a cage without being awake. He then called for the others who quietly hurried to follow Sonic's voice.

"There he is." Said Sonic to the others. "How could we get him out of the cage?"

"I think I can break the padlock." Said Tails as he walked closer to the cage. He took a small tool out of his bag he had on his hips and plugged in the padlock's hole making it to open. "There!"

"Good job, Tails!" Praised Sonic Tails as he opened the cage and gently picked Shadow up.

Then they all hurried out of the building with success.
They took Shadow to Tails' Workshop and Sonic layed him on a table.

"I wonder what Eggman did to him." Said Tails.

"He put some kind of a machine on his back to rule him but as I see he must have taken it off." Added Sonic.

"I will check on his back and I will X-ray him to see if there's anything matter in his body or his mind."

"Good idea, man!"

"Okay, we will leave you to work in peace." Said Amy as she left with the others, except Sonic.

Sonic stayed with Tails because even though he didn't admit, he was really worried about Shadow.

(Well, this is the end of the first chapter. My English is not perfect but I hope you still liked it! I'm sorry for my weird way of writing, I promise I will write better in the further chapters! Tell me what you think about it in the comments! See you guys in the next chapter!)

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