I think I am in love with you

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The next morning Shadow woke up a little before Sonic. As he slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that he was still at Sonic's and it wasn't a dream that happened last night.
He got up and thought about something he could do to thank Sonic's kindness even though he was so mean with him before. So he walked to the kitchen trying to be as quiet as he could and he started baking eggs and bacon but not just any kind, he used different kinds of spices just to bring the flavours out some more.

A little bit later Sonic woke up to the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. He got up and walked after the smells to see Shadow putting the food on a plate just for Sonic. Sonic's eyes widened as he noticed the Sun shining on Shadow's spines making his red stripes look more shiny.

"Wow, beautiful." Sonic thought then he shook his head by the thought. Shadow beautiful? He can't think that seriously, or can he?

So Sonic walked in the kitchen and greeted Shadow. "Good morning Shadow!"

Shadow looked at Sonic and a small smile appeared on his face. "Good morning, Sonic!"

"Wow, I didn't know you like cooking. These look delicious." Sonic said as he walked over to the table.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me. Besides, I made this for you." Shadow answered, placing the plate in front of Sonic who sat down to the table.

"What? For me? But why?"

"I wanted to thank you. You were kind with me and saved me even though I never did anything good for you in the past." Said Shadow as he sat down next to Sonic.

"Well, just like you said, it's in the past." Answered Sonic placing his hand on Shadow's without realizing it.

Shadow looked down on their hands being in touch then looked back at Sonic and started blushing. When Sonic noticed his hand resting on Shadow's, he took his hand away.

"Oh, ehm, sorry about that."

"That's okay."

Sonic took a bite of the bacon and eggs and he tasted something new. His taste buds felt like they are swimming in a river of flavours melting all over them.

"Holy- Shadow! This is amazing! I never tasted anything like this before! Where did you learn to cook like that?"

"I'm glad you like it. It's kind of a long story but I learned from an old friend of mine."

"Well, that friend must be very proud of you, I would be for sure!" Shadow's heart felt really warm hearing Sonic's words said.

"Thank you." Was softly spoken by Shadow's smiling mouth.

As time passed Shadow thought that it would be the best if he left Sonic's house before his friends come for visit and bomb him with questions.

"I think it's time for me to go."

"What makes you say that?" Sonic frowned, he didn't want Shadow to leave but he didn't want to admit it either.

"I don't want to cause you and your friends any trouble. And I don't think your friends would be happy to have me around."

"Sure they might think it's bad at first but they would get to know you better and see the good side in you."

"I don't know. Maybe you're right but I am not ready for that."

"Oh. I guess there's no helping then. Of course I'm not going to force you to stay and go through something you don't want." Sonic was sad but he knew if Shadow wants to go, he won't feel like he belongs here. Maybe in time he will be ready to face his friends and even become one of them.

"Then I'll leave now. See you around!"

"Yeah, see you!" As they said goodbye, Shadow disappeared. "I hope to see you around soon."

Not so long after Sonic's friends arrived at his house with Tails in the head of the line.

"Hey, Sonic! Where's Shadow?" Asked Tails as he walked over to Sonic.

"He left not so long ago." Answered Sonic a bit sadly.

"Why?" Asked back Tails.

"Because he didn't feel like he was ready to meet you guys."

"Aw, that's sad. Anyway, we were on our way to the beach. Wanna come?" Asked Amy.

"Yeah, sure!" Answered Sonic with a better mood.

Time went by just like it always does. Sonic and the gang had some fun at the beach. It was night-time when everyone went home. Everyone except Sonic.
He couldn't shake the feeling that  he felt around Shadow. He knew there must have been something must be done about this. Maybe Shadow feels the same and will agree to talk about it or maybe not and they end up fighting again. Sonic still wanted to know for sure so he went to search for Shadow.
But believe it or not, Shadow did the same. He had some feelings in him that he kept under cover but they grew too much that caused weird feelings in his chest. He made up his mind to talk with Sonic about this and he made his way up to his house.

As both if them were looking for each other, they met at an other beach or maybe we can say it's the same beach since the island is pretty big so the beach is basically a big circle around it.
They were both a little shocked to meet so soon and in such a "romantic" place.

"Shadow! I'm glad I found you!" Sonic's voice was full of happiness as he finally saw him.

"I was looking for you too."

"Really? Why?"

"Um. Well..." Shadow got a little nervous as Sonic asked his reason to meet him but then he said it. "I felt something when I was around you for a while now. I never felt like this with anyone else before. I... I think I'm in love with you."

Sonic froze for a minute. Shadow loves him? For real? Poor little Shadow looked like he was rejected even though Sonic didn't say anything yet, but Shadow must have thought that Sonic didn't like him in that way, but he was wrong.

"Shadow..." Sonic reached for Shadow's hand and took it in his. "I love you too, I wanted to tell you long ago but I was always afraid you would hate me if I did."

"I wouldn't hate you for that." Shadow looked in Sonic's emerald green eyes. It was the first time he got to see them this close.

Sonic looked back into Shadow's ruby red eyes as well. As the moon touched them, they shone in the dark. He gulped then leaned closer to Shadow. He knew what Sonic wanted so he closed his eyes and let Sonic's lips softly touch his. Sonic closed his eyes as well and pulled Shadow close to him.

(End of Chapter 3.)

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