The Date

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Sonic's lips softly touched Shadow's. He wrapped his arms around Shadow's waist as he wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck. Sonic wanted to deepen the kiss so he licked Shadow's lips. Shadow knew what Sonic wanted so he -a bit nervously- opened his mouth just for a little gap that Sonic happily entered. But of course he didn't want to rush anything so he started to massage Shadow's tongue with his slowly and softly, making sure Shadow enjoyed it as much as he did.
After a minute or two, they rested kissing for getting some air and looked deeply into each other's eyes. Shadow's crimson red eyes broke the darkness that surrounded them and Sonic's emerald green eyes never left their sight for any second.

"You know,  I have never had the opportunity to admire the beauty of your wonderful eyes." Said Sonic in a soft and romantic voice that made Shadow blush and look away of nervousness. Sonic smiled and placed Shadow's chin between his thumb and index finger to make him face him again. "And I never want the light of your eyes to be broken by anything or anyone. I promise to always take care of it and you."

Shadow's cheeks became more red hearing Sonic's words. He felt really happy by those wonderful words.
Shadow hugged himself close to Sonic as he leaned in for another kiss. First they kissed softly then it became more and more passionate, they had to break the kiss for air again. But also, Sonic knew if they don't stop here tonight, he might not be able to hold himself back from making love to Shadow, so he suggested a meeting next day.

"I think it's best if we go and get some sleep for the rest of the night. And to be honest, I would like to go on a date with you tomorrow, what do you say?" Asked Sonic with a cute smile on his face that was almost as cheerful as a child's.

"I would love to." Answered Shadow gladly.

"Then I'll pick you up at your place by 10, is that okay?"

"Yes, it's perfect."

"Then goodnight." Sonic kissed Shadow's cheek. "I miss you already."

"Goodnight." Shadow blushed again as he watched Sonic walk away from him.

The next day Sonic got up early, even though he was going to meet Shadow around 10am.
As he woke up, his mood was really cheerful as well. He whistled and a wide smile was resting on his face. His best friend, Tails could notice the change in Sonic's attitude and questioned it.

"Well, goodmorning, sir! Aren't we happy this morning?" Asked Tails raising an eyebrow at Sonic while smiling as well.

"Oh, goodmorning, Tails!" Sonic waved at Tails really happily.

"May I know what makes you so cheerful early in the morning?"

"Nothing at all."

"Come on, Sonic, I know you better than that. You are usually never this happy. Tell me, what is it?"

"Okay, fine. I am having a date today."

"Really? That's great! Who's the lucky lady?"

"That's a secret." Sonic winked at Tails teasingly.

"Please, tell me!"

"Fine, but only if you promise me, you won't get mad or something like that!"


"Okay. ... It's Shadow."

Tails froze for a minute. "Really? You're going on a date with Shadow? You're kidding me, aren't you?"

"No, I am deadly serious. I am dating Shadow."

"Okay, that is shocking for sure but as long as he won't do anything bad I am happy for you." Answered Tails lightening up a little bit.

"Thanks, bro."

"No problem. When are you going to meet and where will the date be?"

"I will go pick him up around 10 and I thought about taking him to Mep Burger then we could relax at the beach."

"That sounds great but what if the others go to the beach too and see you two together?"

Sonic started to panic inside as he just met the idea of the others -mostly Amy- seeing them together. "Damn it, you're right. I have no idea what I would do. Shadow would never talk to me again!"

"Okay okay, don't panic! I will take care of it and invite them to a camping or something."

"You would really do that?"

"Of course, you helped me out many times before, I will help you out this time!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sonic hugged Tails and couldn't say how grateful he was for Tails.

"You're welcome, but if you won't let me go, I won't be able to help you."

"Oh, right, sorry." Apologized Sonic and he let Tails go.

Hours passed and Sonic was already standing in front of Shadow's place waiting for his love to come out. He didn't have to wait too much until Shadow showed up. He walked out of his cave with a small smile on his face. As Sonic looked at Shadow, he couldn't help but notice his eyes again. Shadow's beautiful red eyes shone like a pair of ruby as the Sun hit them.

"Wow" Left Sonic's lips.

"What is it?" Shadow asked shyly.

"Your eyes, they are like diamonds."

"Oh, you're just saying to-" but Shadow was cut off by Sonic's words trying to prove his serious intention.

"No, I really mean it. They make me feel like I am lost somewhere but I never wanna be found."

"T-thank you." Shadow chuckled a little at Sonic's expression while he was talking. "Then where are we going today?"

"I was thinking maybe we could share a bite at Mep Burger's then we could relax at the beach."

"Okay, sounds good to me. But what if your friends see us?"

"Don't worry about them, Tails invited the gang on a camping trip so they won't see us together."

"Okay then."

Sonic offered his hand to Shadow while they walked that Shadow gladly accepted so they continued their way to the Mep Burger by holding hands.

At the Mep Burger Sonic ordered two burgers then they both sat by a table that was a bit more hidden from the others.
Shadow just looked at the burger curiously. He didn't know what people liked about burgers, but how could he know when he never even tasted one?

"Aren't you going to eat?" Asked Sonic who already took a bite of his own burger.

"Yes, I will. It's just new for me, I never ate a burger before."

"Well, I promise it won't kill you."

"I know but I am still not sure about this."

"Oh, come on, just one bite, please! Do it for me!"

"Well, okay. Here goes nothing." Shadow picked the burger in his hands. It was really weird for him. It was really big. As he opened his mouth to take a bite, Sonic looked at him even more carefully. Once Shadow took a bite, he was shocked by the flavours.

"Hm, it's not so bad. Pretty good actually."

"See? I told you." Sonic watched happily Shadow eating his first burger.

Once they finished eating, they walked to the beach where Sonic already had two deckchairs ready for them. He even brought a radio just to set the mood with some nice and smooth music.
They both layed on a deckchair and spent the day by talking about many different topics as the air was filled with music.
Sonic's jokes even made Shadow laugh and he was really proud of himself for reaching that high. But also he was impressed how sweet Shadow's laughs were. His heart felt like it could jump out of its place and he couldn't stop himself from kissing Shadow.

(End of chapter. I sure hope you like it so far. What do you think, should I write lemon in the next chapter? 🤔)

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