Love and lust come together

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Sonic kissed Shadow once again as he got on top of Shadow. He felt a strong desire to kiss him and even touch him so he placed his arms under Shadow's back pulling him close to himself.
Shadow was shocked at first, but returned the kiss and placed one of his hands on Sonic's shoulder and the other on the back of Sonic's neck. As Sonic pulled him close, he felt their bodies touching each other.

Shadow felt a little afraid so he gently pushed Sonic away.

"W-wait!" He said with a nervous voice as Sonic looked at him not knowing if he did something wrong or not.
"What's wrong Shadow? Did I do something wrong?"
"No, not at all. I just felk like we're going too fast."
"Oh, I'm sorry that I rushed this."
"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just that I am not used to be this close to anybody and I felt weird all of a sudden."
"I understand and trust me, I wouldn't do anything you don't want too."
"Thank you."

Shadow smiled a little and as Sonic wanted to get off of him, he pulled him back for a quick kiss. Sonic got really surprised but he liked it while Shadow was blushing as red as his eyes.
When their kiss ended Sonic just stopped to stare into Shadow's eyes.

"You know what? Let's just enjoy the sea a little bit. What do you say if we just go into the water?" Sonic suggested.
"Sounds good to me." answered Shadow.

Sonic then slowly got up and helped Shadow up as well by holding his hand. They took their shoes, socks and gloves off then walked into the water. The water was so beautiful and clear, every little creature could be seen through it.

They were about waist size deep in the water, they didn't want to go any deeper because we all know that Sonic is not really friendly with deep water.

Sonic couldn't look anywhere else, only at Shadow and as he looked at his expressions, he felt even closer to him. Shadow's eyes sparkled as he watched the water's waves play with the shining Sun, he didn't see the beautiful nature for such a long time he felt like he's seeing everything for the first time.

"Thank you." Said Shadow turning to face Sonic.
"For what?"
"For this day. I thought I would never feel happy again but now with you, I feel it again."
"From now on I want you to always be happy." Sonic's soft words talked to Shadow's heart making it melt in happiness.

Sonic pulled Shadow close to himself and gave a little kiss on his forehead then just watched the waves with his loved one in his arms.

Hours passed by and the Sun painted the sky orange. Sonic and Shadow were laying next to each other on the beach but as it started to darken, they felt that they should say their goodbies to each other. Which they didn't do.

"It's getting dark. Maybe I should go home." Said Shadow as he hugged himself close to Sonic.
"I don't want you to go."
"I don't want to go either."
"Then stay."
"I can't. What about your friends?"
"Don't worry about them, they won't be back until tomorrow evening."
"But what if they come back sooner?"
"Then I will deal with them. Just please, don't leave." Sonic begged his lover and kissed his hand to make him say yes.
Shadow thought for a little bit, but he couldn't say no. "Allright, I will stay, but if they show up, I will blame you!"

They shared a laught, then took their things and walked to Sonic's house.
When they entered the house, Sonic just put his shoes next to his table then sat on the couch. Shadow put his shoes next to Sonic's and sat on Sonic's right.

(And here comes what you've been waiting for. ^///^)

Sonic slid closer to Shadow, wrapped his right arm around him and pulled him close. He kissed Shadow's lips softly then gave then little bites to make him open them which he gladly did accepting Sonic's greedy tongue in his mouth. As they deepened their kiss Shadow slowly laid down pulling Sonic with him. Their tongues massaged each other as Sonic laid his body on Shadow's while he put both of his hands on Sonic's cheeks to keep him near him.
Sonic's right hand traveled down to Shadow's neck caressing it gently then to his chest caressing his soft white fur that made Shadow blush.

Sonic broke the kiss and looked at his lover's burning res face panting for air.

"It's okay if you want to stop, you can just tell me." Sonic spoke gently.
"No, I don't want you to stop."
"Very well, but once I start, I won't be able to stop."
"Then don't stop!"

Sonic couldn't even answer because Shadow pulled him back for a kiss.
They broke the kiss and Sonic looked at Shadow with a smirk on his face.

"Well, you can always surprise me." Sonic chuckled a little then he started planting kisses on Shadow's neck.

His kisses traveled to Shadow's chest then even lower. Shadow felt that by Sonic's greedy, hot lips, his body gave up and let anything to be done with it.
Soft moans escaped Shadow's lips that made Sonic feel more aroused. He started kissing Shadow's inner thighs from his knees to his intimate area. The ebony one's body started shaking by the pleasure his loved caused him. Sonic kissed Shadow's pubis  then slowly licked his way down to his hardening member. Shadow moaned little more by the feeling of the blue hedgehog's lips touching his cock.
Sonic then gave a little kiss on Shadow's tip and took it in his warm mouth. He sucked on the tip then sucked everything deeper. He pleased Shadow with his mouth for a while then he leaned lower to gently lick Shadow's anus making him jolt a little by surpride.
His tongue made little circles around Shadow's rektum then slowly entered it making it loosen up and wet inside.
Shadow kept on moaning when Sonic suddenly stopped and put one finger in making it slide in and out slowly and gently. Once Shadow's walls loosened up a little more, he pushed another finger in then repeated the procedure with one other finger as well. When he felt Shadow loose, he pulled his fingers out and raised his upper body to face Shadow again who's face was filled with submissive lust.

"Are you ready?" Sonic asked Shadow.
"Y-yes, g-go on!" Shadow answered with his voice shaking a little bit.

Sonic then opened Shadow's legs wider, took his already hard member in his hand and rubbed its tip against Shadow's hole. After, Sonic slowly slid his hard memeber in Shadow's tight little hole that was begging for penetration. The black hedgehog exclaimed as the blue one's size slowly stretched his walls out hard. Once his last inches disappeared inside Shadow, the ebony male felt his hole being so full, that blood started pumbing down there.
Shadow nodded Sonic, giving signal so he can start moving which he did. He slowly pulled out his member just to push it back again. He thrusted into Shadow again and again making him moan more and more in the rhythm of his own thrusts.
Shadow wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck and pulled him in for a kiss making their tongues wrestle. Once they broke the kiss, their foreheads kept being in touch. Sonic thrusted some more until he came inside Shadow who also came on their stomaches.
The lovers panted to catch their breath. Sonic laid on top of Shadow who kept his arms around his neck hugging him happily while they both fell asleep.

(End of chapter. Sorry it took so much to finally share it with you guys, but I had a little lost of inspiration. Now that it's published, I really hope you are satisfied with the result. 🖤)

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