Eggman's first attack

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A week passed by when Eggman decided to attack the group with his new robot.

The day Eggman choosed to attack was not the best at least not for Shadow. It was the 8th day of their relationship with Sonic and he started feeling a little sick. That sickness came out of nowhere, yesterday he was okay but that day started with him visiting the toilet really early and he didn't need to do number one or number two. That made him a little sad, he didn't know what was going on with him.
A bit later, it was around 12 o'clock and Sonic wanted to cheer his lover up with a good lunch so he tried to cook something but poor Shadow was really sensitive to the smells so once he smelled the "smoke" of the food Sonic was making, he needed to visit the toilet again. Sonic ran after Shadow but stood in the doorway not entering, he didn't want to bother his loved one but also he felt worried about him.

"Shadow, are you okay?" Sonic asked really worried.
"Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry, it will go away soon." Shadow answered trying to calm Sonic.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, don't worry! I'll be out in a minute."
"Okay, then I'll finish lunch." Said Sonic as he walked back to the kitchen.

Sonic did as he said and he finished lunch then placed two bowls of soup on the table and sat down waiting for Shadow.
As soon as Shadow walked out of the toilet and set to the table to eat with Sonic, the blue one bombed him with questions.

"This happens to you a lot today, don't you think there's something wrong?"
"No, I think it's probably just something I ate yesterday."
"But you seemed a little sick yesterday as well. You didn't have that problem, but you were sick."
"You worry too much, I was fine and I am going to be fine. I am sure that I will be better by the end of the day."
"Okay, but if not, I won't let you get out of the bed until you will get better."
"Okay okay. As you wish."

Once they finished lunch, they went out to the beach to meet the others. They planned to spend the day at the beach so they can relax. While the boys played volleyball, the girls prefered sunbathing.
Once the ball got hit far away by Knuckles, the ball hit a big steel. You probably guessed it, it was a robot. Eggman finally decided to attach Sonic and his friends, but mostly, he wanted Shadow.

"Oh no, it's Eggman!" Yelled Tails.
"Finally you showed up. I kinda missed you, Egghead." Said Sonic sarcastically.
"Well, whatever he has now, we will win again, as always!" Said Knuckles with a big collar.
"Oh, no Nuggets! You will not win this time! Because I brought you some new company!" Yelled Eggman as his new octopus-like robot showed up.

The others looked shocked at it for a bit because it did look way stronger than the elder robots Eggman made.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mumbled Sonic. "Well, guys! Let's show Eggman his place!" The others nodded as Sonic told them to attack Eggman's robots.

They all attacked Eggman's smaller robots first and destroyed them one by one and when Shadow decided to attack a beebot, he fell on the ground feeling very weak. Sonic noticed his ebony lover on his knees and hit the beebot before it could attack Shadow.

"Shadow, get to a safer place!" Ordered Sonic.
"No, I can still fight!" Argued Shadow as he stood up clearly shaking but he ignored it.
"Stop being so stubborn and save yourself!" Sonic yelled.

As this being said Shadow teleported himself away and Sonic felt a relief knowing his loved one is safe now. At least that's what he thought.
While Eggman's smaller robots kept attacking and even more and more robots joined them, the one big robot measured Shadow's exact location by a chip that Eggman implanted in him when he first captured the ebony hedgehog.
Once the gang finished the robots, they faced Eggman to tell him, he lost again. They clearly forgot about the big robot.

"Give up, Eggman! You lost, just like you always do!" Sonic yelled over to Eggman who just laughed and didn't leave as he used to and that made everyone worried a little.
"Hahaha! That's what you think, Sonic! But you forgot something or more like someone!"

As Eggman said his words the robot appeared next to him with Shadow in one of his tentacles around his whole body keeping him from moving. Shadow struggled to get away from the robot's grasp but he failed. Since he was captured, he wasn't able to teleport himself either.
As the others saw Shadow they were all very shocked but not as much as Sonic.

"You bastard! Let him go!" Sonic yelled.
"Or what?" Eggman asked obviously not caring about anything Sonic would do.
"Or this!"

Sonic spin attacked the robot who was able to stave off with a tentacle that was free and hit Sonic back. Sonic glared at both the robot and Eggman.

"Ah ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Eggman said.
"Why?" Sonic asked getting more enraged.
"Because of this." Answered Eggman as he snapped his fingers to give a sign to the robot.

The robot followed the sign and squeezed Shadow even harder that made the poor captured hedgehog yell in pain.
No wonder, the others were really worried.
The robot kept squeezing Shadow harder and harder, making Shadow scream louder until Eggman snapped his fingers again to stop which the robot followed.
Sonic as he saw his lover hurt, just stood up and looked away pressing his eyes closed as if he was telling Eggman that he won.
Eggman just laughed like an evil maniac as he left with his robot and Shadow. Poor Shadow felt so much pain and he was really sick the whole day, he soon gave up and fainted.

Sonic fell on his knees and felt like his heart was ripped from his chest. He really wanted to save Shadow and didn't give up the hope but he knew they couldn't win against that huge robot.

(End of chapter.
I hope you like this new chapter. Poor little Shadow, what will happen to him? You will find out soon! I will work hars to give you the next chapter sooner!
Love you guys! Have a nice day/evening/night/morning!🖤)

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