Chapter 1

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Another ordinary day at campus. The head chef yells at his student's for being inefficient, useless and a waste of space. A girl leans on her table top counter assigned to her, her straight jet black hair falls on her shoulders, silky not greasy. Her bangs though were something fresh. She had never cut her fringe until a friend of hers convinced her which she did, and looked at her, what a beauty. She wasn't paying attention to her teacher. She was writing notes in one corner, thinking of what could be improved on for her dish. She had a whole journal of it that she experimented on countless times. Failures ? Many, but never did she thought of giving up.

" Jung Jinsoul ! What are you doing ? No respect haven't you ? And what did I say about hygiene in the kitchen ? "

Jung Jinsoul, a famous name around the field of culinary arts. She is an undergraduate who does exceedingly well in her field. Jinsoul is a culinary student. She's the top student but it was a long journey to get to where she is right now no thanks to the head chef. The head chef is a misogynist and his criticism of students always made them cry, he was always breathing down everyone's neck, but Jinsoul is an exception. She never cried, in fact she was angry and she channeled it to her cooking. She wanted to show the chef that she was extraordinary, that she didn't need an old man like him to help her.

She stayed calm as she tied her hair up into a loose ponytail. She stood at her table as she looked at the chef's direction. Apparently someone had almost burnt down the kitchen because she left the stove on. Jinsoul could not really care less because she just didn't care about anything except for one thing, to graduate and overthrow the head chef. Jinsoul never really knew what she wanted to be when she was growing up. However, seeing that food made her family happy, she knew she wanted to do something, to be able to master the skill so that she could see their constant smiles on their face. So she went down that path with little to no experience, she started everything from scratch. She messed up a lot when she was a first year student but improved drastically when her mother decided to teach her some basics.

The bell rang which signalled the end of the lesson. Jinsoul had one thing to do for that day, cook. Jinsoul was not only a hardworking student, she is also kind hearted, but nobody sees that because Jinsoul always has an unreadable cold expression and students were always afraid to approach Jinsoul, she saw it as a good thing because she likes to be left alone. Anyways, Jinsoul helps out at the food court when she has free time because she likes the granny there. She's nice, her food reminds her of home and she's old. No one wanted to work for her so Jinsoul took the initiative. Because of Jinsoul, granny's business did improve and granny was thankful. She wanted to pay Jinsoul for her hard work but Jinsoul rejected it.

" Granny, having the opportunity to work with you is a privilege. I don't need it, use the money to travel the world. I know you have always dreamt of going to so many places. I'm young, so I can earn my own money whereas money comes in hard for you. "

Granny Kim smiled at Jinsoul, she held her hand and thanked the youth. Jinsoul was always like that, filial and understanding, passionate and motivated, she never loses sight of the thing she plans to achieve. After helping out at granny kim's small shop, she heads back to her dorm. She lives with a small girl who's into fashion design and Jinsoul pities the girl because she stays cooped up in her dorm almost 24/7 trying to complete all her projects. She's a foreigner but she speaks korean really well. Jinsoul admires her roommate. She knew that she is a big sweet potato lover so she would always buy back some sweet potato from the convenient store and milk to motivate her friend. Her name is ViVi. Her drawings are precise and quick, colourful yet trendy. ViVi has been working very hard to make it as the top student of her course, she wanted to prove to others that yes though she is a foreigner, she works hard, being here was her choice and with determination, dreams do come true. Jinsoul has always believed the older one would make it as the top student of her course.

That one day will come, your hard work will pay off, the sleepless nights will be memories of your Fashion designing journey, Kahei, you got this.

Jinsoul sits down on her bed as she grabs the piano from under her bed. Jinsoul bought an electric piano. Yes cooking is number one to her but Jinsoul grew up learning piano and she's a pro at it. She plugs in her headphones, her fingers touched each key softly and after warming up with some scales, her fingers began dancing around. She has been practicing on an original she had written. Jinsoul has never really fallen in love, okay maybe once, but it was just a crush for a week before she realised that she didn't really like him and after since, she hasn't met the person, her person, someone that she knew was the right one. So the song she wrote was about waiting for someone to come into her life, the perfect one. Will it come true ? Will she find love ? She thinks about it from time to time, however, she doesn't give up on that hope of finding someone to love, of finding someone who loves her in this crazy, fast paced and messed up world.

Even in her crazy schedule, even when people back away from her because they're scared, Jinsoul still hopes, because there's nothing for her to lose. Everyone deserves the right to be loved.

One day.

She ends the night by researching possible solutions for her recipe that she was working on in the kitchen just now, it was missing a few ingredients and she didn't really know what went wrong. Hoping for the best, she shut her journal, placed it in her bag before turning into her bed, the bed and her became one. Soft breathings could be heard as Jinsoul falls into la la land.

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