Chapter 5

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Now that Sooyoung had confessed to Jinsoul, Jinsoul had no idea how she was feeling, she was not going to lie, they hit it off quite well. She enjoyed her company and she wanted to know more about her. This very morning, Jinsoul wanted to thank Sooyoung for the heartfelt meal so she woke up early and cooked breakfast for her. ViVi had classes. She walked to the kitchen and saw Jinsoul cooking.

" That's rare, who's the special person ? "

" It's just someone I wanted to appreciate. "

" Does this happen to be a tall slim girl who has really long hair, happens to be a brunette and goes by the name of Ha Sooyoung ? "

" The crap ? How did you know ? "

" She popped by the dorm to look for you, which is totally sweet. "

" know she came to the kitchen and she said some things that I didn't really know how to respond to. "

" What did she say ? "

" She said she liked me ? "

" Woah, so what did you say ? "

" ViVi, we literally just met on Saturday. "

" Oh... and she just confessed like that ? "

" Yeah ! Crazy right ? "

" It is, but how do you feel about her ? "

" I don't know Vi, we just met but somehow she manages to make me smile and I like her company, it's warm, it's nice, it's definitely something I have not felt before and I want to get to know her. "

" Oh my gosh, you so like her dude. "

" What ? "

" I never knew you were into girls, oh my, so when are you telling her ? "

" I don't think love has a gender, it just so happens that I fell in love with a girl you know ? Then again love has no boundaries so... I'm not telling her anything. Even if I was, I need to have a plan. "

" Okay, better catch her before she switches and finds someone else. "

" Okay. "

Jinsoul packs Sooyoung's breakfast into a lunch box and makes vanilla latte for the brunette. She walked towards her locker as she looked around for Sooyoung. There she saw the tall girl leaning on her locker staring at her phone. Jinsoul walked towards her, she took Sooyoung's phone, and she was clearly irritated until she saw who it was. Jinsoul shoved the bag of food into Sooyoung's hand before typing something into Sooyoung's phone. She gave herself a miss call.

" What's this ? "

" That's breakfast, you look so dead, what have you been doing ? "

" I stayed up late practicing. "

" You should rest once in a while. "

" I would, but my assignment is coming up soon. "

" Alright, promise you won't stress yourself ? "

" Alright. "

" Oh by the way, now that you have my number, I expect you to text me more often. "

" W...what ? "

" Bye princess, hope you like breakfast. "

Jinsoul walked away to her class leaving Sooyoung speechless, dumbfounded. Jungeun just came and shook her best friend who then told her about what had happened. Jungeun smiled and congratulated the older one. Sooyoung opened the lunchbox to see two sandwiches with some fruits and egg, it was simple but the fact that Jinsoul woke up to make her that was touching enough.

The next two weeks, if the two weren't meeting, they were either texting or face timing each other. Haseul was getting sick and tired of Sooyoung's little giggles and asked her to ask Jinsoul out already. However Sooyoung did not want to force anything upon the aspiring chef. Little did she know, Jinsoul had something already planned out. She has been asking ViVi for her opinion and ViVi has been really helpful. Now all they had to do was make this plan work.

On an unsuspecting Friday night, Sooyoung and Jinsoul were going to call each other just like every other day. However, after Sooyoung had tried multiple times, to no avail, Jinsoul wasn't picking up. She decided to text Jinsoul but was taken aback when Jinsoul had bailed. The next message however was slightly different from what Sooyoung was expecting. It made her run to Jinsoul's dorm.

On the other hand, ViVi had gone out of the dorm to study so that Jinsoul's plan could work and she was extremely thankful for that. She then proceeded to text Sooyoung.

Jinsoul: Come over, I need you now. The door is unlocked.

After seeing the two ticks, she knew that the dancer was on her way to her dorm. Jinsoul pulls out her chair and table. It was now facing the door, and she placed the piano on top of the table. Soon footsteps were heard and then, the turn of the door knob. That was her signal. Jinsoul's hand touched the keys and started playing a melody as she looked at the clueless Sooyoung who was standing by the door. Sooyoung closed the door before leaning on it. She never knew that Jinsoul could play the piano, and the fact that she was playing so effortlessly, it was disgustingly good. Just as she thought this surprise couldn't get any better, well, it did. Jinsoul sang.

Wise men say

only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand,

take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

For I can't help falling in love with you

Jinsoul's angelic singing touched Sooyoung. It was a nice song, with a great meaning. Sooyoung fell in love over and over again with her singing and sure she was surprised but it was good. Jinsoul walks away from the piano and to Sooyoung who was still recollecting her thoughts as she leaned on the door. Jinsoul places her hand against the door as they stare into each other's orbits. Sooyoung acorn brown eyes were not just attractive, but it was also luring. Sooyoung gulped, but Jinsoul broke the silence between them.

" Sooyoung, about three weeks ago, you confessed to me. I honestly do not have idea why you would like me. So I didn't know how to respond to you, but I knew you were special. That's why I gave you my number, I wanted to know more about you, and even as we continue to grow together and find out things about each other that we never knew, I know that I wanted to be around you, but I want to take things slow, so Ha Sooyoung, would do me the honours of going on a date with me ? "

Sooyoung thought she was dreaming, she pinched herself, she definitely wasn't. Her silence scared Jinsoul. However, Sooyoung was brought to reality and nodded her head aggressively. Seeing Sooyoung's enthusiasm, Jinsoul laughed. She thought this was the end, but Sooyoung had a sudden urge to do something. Plucking up her courage, she grabbed Jinsoul's face, she planted a soft, slightly long kiss on the cheek. Jinsoul was hazy. Light shades of pink formed on her cheeks. Once again staring at each other, Jinsoul let out a giggle before hugging the brunette. They spent the day playing the piano together, and when they felt tired, they crashed on Jinsoul's bed, falling asleep next to each other.  

Author's note:

This is the end of the first book, but don't worry, the next book to the series will be up either next week or 2 weeks from now, so there is no drought yeahhhh !! Hope you all have been well and taking care of yourself. 

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