Chapter 2

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Kim Jungeun was walking on campus. She was finding her best friend whom she knew would have overslept because she was out practicing last night. She thinks of her friend, she knows that she is slightly hopeless when it comes to her health because she's always so immersed with dance that she never seems to eat. Kim Jungeun is a dance major with her best friend and she liked that they were in the same school because she gets to graduate with her.

In the fashion design corner, ViVi has a goal, to be the very best. The only person stopping her would be, herself...and maybe this girl she had a huge crush on. Jo Haseul. The short bobbed haired girl was so cute and lively, she adored her. The only thing ViVi fears is her friend, Ha Sooyoung. She has seen them together on campus so many times, ViVi thinks that they are a couple but in reality, they're just really a bunch of goofy friends. Speaking of the devil, Sooyoung walks past ViVi, her hair bouncing off her back, her soft and silky hair now brown because she decided to get a change, something different.

Ha Sooyoung, an art student who enjoys dancing, she expresses her emotions through her creativity. Surprisingly or not, Sooyoung is an active member of the art club. She enjoys having club sessions because somehow, besides dance, it is the only thing that helps her convey her message she wants to. Her pencil dances on her paper and depending on her mood, at times you can see Sooyougie's frustration on it. She has two artworks up on campus which she is very proud of but she felt that things could be improved. Her perspective on art has changed ever since her highschool sweetheart changed her views on art but that's not really important for that matter.

Sooyoung walks to her locker like any other day, she takes out her books and closes back her locker before she leans on it and waits for a particular girl. A brunette sneaks from the back and jumps on Sooyoung, causing Sooyoung to let out an embarrassing scream. She slapped her arm as they broke out in laughter.

" Yah Kim Jungeun ! "

" Sooyoungie's waiting for her baby~ "

Jungeun teases Sooyoung as Sooyoung tries shutting her up. Sooyoung has had a crush on this certain raven haired girl who doesn't seem to notice even when Sooyoung is always staring at her.

" What are you tryna do ? Staring at her won't make her fall for you. "

" I  know Jungeun but...she's just so pretty. "

" Well, like what Ariana would say, you believe god is a woman. "

" HAHA right. "

" I have an idea, instead of staring at her from the side, why don't you actually make a first move and confess to her. "

" Are you nuts ?!?! What if she's straight... "

" Again please don't assume people's sexuality. So if you're done being a useless lesbian, are you going to take up my suggestion or are you just going to be a creepy starer ? "

" I.... "

Jungeun was right. If she wanted the undergrad to notice her, she needed a plan. She needed to confess, it was a 50-50 percent chance. Considering that Jinsoul was never seen with a guy would only mean she was single. Sooyoung thought about it before nodding her head as a smile creeped to Jungeun's face, operation "score a date" was a go go and Jungeun ready to help Sooyoung in her pursuit, even if it was illegal, as long as she sees her friend happy and stop moping around, she would gladly help. But that's the thing, Sooyoung does not have a plan and Jungeun was just as disappointed as Sooyoung.

" Sooyoung, the great artistic mind does not have a plan ? "

" Being creative doesn't need you to have a brain, in this case a plan. Idea's come when you least expect it. Impromptu and it might actually work. "

" Sooyoung, I take that back, I take back saying you have big brain energy. "

" Yah, I will prove to you, just wait. "

Sooyoung walks to the dance studio with her dance buddy as she wrecks her brain trying to think of an interesting idea to use.

Jinsoul, just wait. Gosh if only I was this confident.

After dance classes however, Sooyoung went back to the dorm, she thought long and hard, her hand held the pen forever as she stared aimlessly at the blank notebook. Haseul noticed that Sooyoung was stressed, particularly stressed for no reason.

" Yah, you are a dance major, there's nothing much for you to study, what's up ? "

" I... Jungeun wants me to confess to someone, but I don't know how and she won't get off my back. "

" Look Sooyoung, I don't agree with Jungeun, you do what you want when you are comfortable and ready. You should do it I guess if it helps you get the weight off your chest, but never do something because of peer pressure. "

Sooyoung sniffled a laugh as she looked at how Haseul was so serious. She composed herself and nodded her head, thanking the shorter one before she continued wrecking her brain. It was going to be a long night, but Sooyoung knew, it was now or never.

On the other hand, Jinsoul was in her room working on her original song. She just had one part left to complete. ViVi has been asking her to rest but Jinsoul insisted she wanted to complete her song. She doesn't exactly know what gives her the motivation and inspiration to write, however, some of her songs have been written because she thought of her family and how much she missed them. They don't leave very far apart but for Jinsoul to actually be home was rare because she was trying to rush the process of her graduating. Her fees cost a bomb and she certainly did not want to make her parents' life any harder.

Author's note:
Hope you guys have been enjoying this short story. Take care of yourself, a few more chapters left, and a sequel is coming up as well :))

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