Chapter 4

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Sooyoung sat outside the stall to think of the possible places Jinsoul would be.

Okay, I could try her dorm, but then again I do not know where it is. The kitchen ? Let's head to the dorm first. I'm going to text Jungeun.

Sooyoung texts Jungeun for Jinsoul's dorm number as she knows ViVI. After acquiring her dorm number, Sooyoung walks over. Once she was at the doorstep, she took a deep breath in before she knocked on the door. The food was still hot so she hoped that Jinsoul was at her dorm. Soon enough, ViVi opens the door.

" Oh hello, I'm Sooyoung. I'm looking for Jinsoul. Is she by any chance around ? "

" Oh no she's not, she's probably in the kitchen, she never takes a break even on weekends. "

" Thank you. "

" Not at all. "

Sooyoung turned around and made her way to the lift lobby. Sooyoung doubted that Jinsoul would be in the kitchen but still decided to test her luck. She walked past a few students who were studying which she could not understand because it was a Saturday, a weekend, why wouldn't anyone take a break ? Sooyoung reached the kitchen and was about to step in to look for Jinsoul when she was stopped by a staff.

" Hi sorry, only culinary art students are allowed in this area. "

" Oh, I'm sorry. "

" It's fine. "

The staff was about to walk away when Sooyoung asked her if there was anyone around.

" Yes actually, she's here almost every weekend. "

" By any chance, is it Jinsoul ? "

" Yeah. "

" Could you get her for me ? I need to pass her something. "

" Alright one moment please. "

The staff walks to the kitchen. Minutes later, she was told to wait for a while as Jinsoul stopped her work. As each second went by, Sooyoung's heart beat faster and harder. It was getting a little hard for her to breathe, of course she was nervous. Finally the undergrad chef walks out. She has a cloth in her hand as she cleans off the water from washing her hand.

" Hi ? "

" Hi Jinsoul, you may not know me, I'm Sooyoung. "

" Okay ? "

" Erm, I know it's a Saturday, I'm sorry for disturbing you but I made you this. "

" I...give me a minute. "

Jinsoul takes the food from Sooyoung's hand as she goes back to talk to the staff. Sooyoung fiddles with her hand as she had everything she planned out to say memorised.

" Mam, could I ask for a request ? "

" What is it my dear ? "

" Could Sooyoung come into the kitchen ? "

" I- "

" She can wear my extra uniform. "

" Alright, I guess she can. "

" Thank you ! "

Jinsoul went to her kitchen desk and retrieved her extra uniform as she left the food on the table. The staff has never seen Jinsoul allow anyone to visit her even if it was ViVi. Jinsoul walked out to where Sooyoung was and passed her the kitchen uniform.

" Here, you need to change into this if you want to come in. I hope it fits you. "

Genuinely shocked, Sooyoung took the uniform and went to change. She was so ready for Jinsoul to reject her even before she had the chance to confess to her. After walking back to the kitchen, for the first time, Sooyoung sees how the school's kitchen actually looked like. She saw Jinsoul's working area. It was a little messy but it was only because Jinsoul was working on something. Jinsoul heard footsteps and stopped working. She dragged a chair beside hers as they sat down together. Jinsoul has never met Sooyoung before. Neither has she been this friendly with anyone, but there was just something about Sooyoung that was a little irresistible.

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