Special Chapter 1.0

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" Yah, why can't you just love me back ? "

" I do Sooyoung. "

" No you don't, why can't you just show me that you mean it ? Why must we hide what we have ? "

" You are one to talk ! I have been trying to hold your hand every time I had the opportunity, I even back hugged you, was that not enough to prove that I love you ? You are the one who always pushes me away, saying I'm too cheesy, that I'm disgusting, you always try to pick a fight with me. You are the one who's really hiding things from the public. The audacity... "

" That's not true- "

" Enough ! "

The couple were disrupted by Vivi.

" We have a vlive in an hours time, we don't have time for your couple fights. "

Still not listening to Vivi, the couple went out of the practise room to settle it.

" Sooyoung, we can't just think about us, we have the whole group to think about. What if we did display our affections ? I'm okay with them attacking me, but I'm not okay when it comes to the members, and it's not fair to them. They literally didn't do anything. "

Sooyoung was silent. She didn't know why she was being this upset. Maybe because she couldn't celebrate her birthday properly, maybe she was tired, she didn't know. But she knew she acted harshly towards Jinsoul. They walked back to the practise room not saying anything, each person in a corner of the room. Everyone could sense the tension in the room, none of them dared to say anything for the next one hour till it was time for their vlive. Yerim had planned it and it was honestly the sweetest thing of her to come up with a new game that everyone could be involved in. Still not talking, the girls were far away from each other. The first activity was to get some convenient store food and come up with a good food combination and make a meal out of it. Everyone was excited as their creativity was bursting from the room. After preparing the food item and giving a short explanation, they decided to play Yerim's new Zombie game.

The members had to find a spot, they had to stay there, but there was a twist, they could move little by little. So the game started, Yerim was chosen to be the Zombie, she had to catch everyone in the room. Last man standing will be the winner. Before the game had started, you could see Hyejoo and Jiwoo monkeying around, the younger one eventually piggybacking the older one. When Yerim put on her blindfold, at one side of the room, you could hear Heejin clapping in Jungeun's direction earning her a slap on the back from the older one. While everyone was being chaotic, Yeojin sat in the corner near the speaker, it was dangerous at first, but she somehow managed to survive, making her the ultimate winner of the game. After the zombie game, the girls lined up in a straight line to choose a member's food combination. It was Yerim's turn followed by Yeojin. When Jungeun's turn came, she took Jinsoul's food. After realising her silly mistake, she facepalmed herself. She had came up with an idea in her head, which was to let Sooyoung take Jinsoul's food, but somehow, the food was calling out to her to eat it, it was irresistible, the bacon in the soaking hot ramen just looked too good, too mouth watering that she chose it above the chaos. The reason why she wanted to was because she wanted them to patch back somehow, but oh wells, it failed.

Jinsoul on the other hand was trying to think of ways to soothe Sooyoung. She knew that although she had plastered a smile on her face, she knew her girlfriend was worried. She could tell that Sooyoung was blaming herself and beating herself up. She wanted Sooyoung to know that she was okay, and that she still loved her. While eating and looking through the Ipad for interesting comments, a particular comment caught Jinsoul's eye and it gave her an idea.

When it came to the last section of the vlive, everyone was singing happy birthday to Sooyoung who just turned 23 this year. While the group members sang the last part, Sooyoung felt a figure walking to her from the back. A pair of warm hands cupped her cheek as Jinsoul gave her a kiss on the cheek earning a myoya and a blushing Sooyoung. Jinsoul giggled slightly before going back to her original sitting arrangement.

When the vlive ended, Sooyoung stayed in the practise room with Jinsoul.

" You didn't have to, it was just a vlive comment. "

" Oh you saw it too ? "

Sooyoung nodded slightly. Jinsoul took Sooyoung's hands in hers before she looked into Sooyoung's apologetic puppy eyes.

" Sooyoung, whether I saw that comment or not, I would have done it still, because you're my girlfriend. "

" I'm really sorry for flaring up at you, with Haseul's absence, it's getting hard to handle the upcoming comeback and- "

" Baby, did i blame you ? "

Sooyoung quietly shook her head.

" Then there's nothing to worry about, I just don't want you keeping everything to yourself anymore, your problems are mine, even if I can't solve them, whatever you are feeling, is equally important to me. "

" Jinsoul, I love you. "

" I love you too Sooyoung, it's not easy, it has never been easy, but I assure you, that I will be here for you. "

Sooyoung looked her girlfriend in the eye and pecked her cheeks before walking hand in hand out of the practise room together. 

Author's note:

Hi guys, surprise! Yeah so, I was inspired by the last vlive that I did a chapter about it. I hope this cheers you up ! Have a great week ! I hope you guys have been enjoying the book so far. Do comment if you have any interesting things to share ! I look forward to talking to you guys ! 

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