Chapter 3

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Sooyoung walked to her locker the next day, her eye bags were seen, dark circles were really obvious signs that she stayed up last night. Jungeun noticed how incredibly bad her friend looked and offered to get her coffee.

" What's up with you ? "

" I...I stayed up late last night trying to figure out a way to ask Jinsoul out but all my ideas just seem like it was either too stupid or too cliche, or illegal. "

" Sooyoung, that was so not worth it. Let's go to the food court, drinks on me, we need to fix you before classes today. "

" Alright. "

Sooyoung and Jungeun walked to the food court and unfortunately, Jinsoul had no classes for that day so she was helping out Granny Kim at her stall. Sooyoung tried to look away but Jinsoul seemed to notice her. Sooyoung was embarrassed as she quickly turned away after making eye contact with her. Jungeun saw what had happened and laughed at the older one. They walked to the drink stall and Sooyoung ordered herself a cup of cold coffee and  Jungeun ordered a cup of fruit juice. They sat down as Sooyoung stared at Jinsoul from afar.

" Dude, try not to be an obvious challenge, fail. "

" Jungeun ah, help, I don't want to leave this school not having the girl of my dreams. " 

" You could try ordering from Granny Kim ? "

" I will only stutter and then I will panic because she's so beautiful and perfect, have I told you that she has the nicest eyes ? Her hair is so-"

" Okay ! I get it. "

" Sorry Jungie, I just really like her... "

" Well, what a hopeless gay you are. "

" Okay, come help me then ? "

" Cook her something. "

Sooyoung's face immediately lit up. She liked the idea immediately but Jungeun gave her a look. Her suggestion was just a joke but Sooyoung had seem to have taken it seriously. Jungeun nudged the older one and sighed.

" How are you going to impress the ace undergrad chef of this school ? You gotta be kidding me Sooyoung. You can't cook. The last time you did, you almost burnt down the dorm. "

" Okay, then teach me ? "

" Sooyoung..."

" Should I learn from Granny ? Do you think she would allow ? "

" I think that is a great idea. How are you going to ask her though ? "

" I will pretend I'm ordering from Granny but I will ask her for help. "

" Okay, sounds like a plan, are you confident ? "

" I guess ? "

Jungeun nodded as she sent her comrade off to face her battles. With sweaty palms rubbing against each other, Sooyoung approached the stall to see Granny Kim with her usual bright gummy smile.

" And what would you like to have Miss Ha ? "

Sooyoung looked inside of the stall, making sure Jinsoul was occupied before she continued with what she was going to ask.

" Granny, I wanted to know if it's okay if I learnt to cook from you ? "

" That's an unusual request. "

" I'm doing this for someone who comes here really often. "

" HAHA, looks like she enjoys my food then. Okay, I will teach you. "

" Thanks granny. Oh granny ? "

" Yes ? " 

" Can you keep this a secret ? I don't want anyone to know. "

" Alright, you and Jinsoul sure are one weird pair. "

Sooyoung smiled confusingly but brushed the thought aside and thanked Granny Kim before walking back to her seat.

" Well ? How did it go ? "

" She said she would teach me ! Jungeun, I'm so thrilled, I'm this close to asking Jinsoul out. "

" And I'm proud that you are not staying stagnant anymore. "

" Yah ! "

" I'm just kidding, let's go for classes ! "

Sooyoung and Jungeun walked to class, but little did they know that a jet black hair girl was looking at them, at one person in particular. She has never seen that girl before, okay maybe a couple of times, but somehow, she gives off a very good impression and Jinsoul was definitely checking her out. Granny looked at Jinsoul who was looking at the pair before she smiled.

" Jindolie ? "

" Yes ? "

" What do you like to eat ? "

" Tteokbokki. "

" And dessert ? "

" Hmm... Hotteok ? Mochi ? Granny, you're incredibly inquisitive today. "

" Jindolie, granny just wants to get to know you better, you're practically my child. "

Jinsoul was melting inside as she put her arms around granny before going back to the kitchen to experiment with some of her recipes. Granny had received Sooyoung's number and called her to tell her what time she should meet her.

" Jinsoul, this coming Saturday, I'm afraid I need to use the kitchen. "

" Oh, I can't be there ? "

" Not this time round. "

" Okay. "

Saturday came, Sooyoung walked to the food court and then to Granny Kim's stall. Granny was already preparing the ingredients. Sooyoung put her stuff away neatly before tying her hair and washing her hands. Granny saw that Sooyoung had arrived and gave her an apron to put on. Sooyoung then watched as Granny showed her how to cook tteokbokki. It was a rather simple dish and Sooyoung had managed to do it quite well. The hotteok on the other hand took multiple attempts as it was either burnt or not cooked properly.

" Sooyoung, why do you think we are making this ? "

" Why ? " 

" HAHAHA..." 

" Granny, you know something don't you ? "

" How could I not ? I am old but observant. You come to my stall almost every single week, and it's always that same day when Jinsoul is in the kitchen, you're kinda obvious. "

" Granny ! "

Granny Kim laughed and explained to Sooyoung that she taught her how to cook Jinsoul's favourite dishes. Sooyoung was touched by Granny Kim's efforts. She decided to practice again before letting Granny Kim try her very first attempt without her help. Granny was encouraging and it did not taste that different from hers. Sooyoung took the rest and put it into a lunch box with a divider. She was going to do it today. Whether Jinsoul likes it, or if she accepted her confession, she was going to do it. Before she left, Granny Kim passed her a box of Mochi with powdered peanuts. Apparently it was Jinsoul's favourite as well. Sooyoung hugged Granny Kim as she made her way to find Jinsoul.

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