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"We should probably get some sleep, we can take turns keeping watch" Jin tried to get everyone to just relax.

In any other world, he would've panicked, but right now, he hadnt registered everything, so he supposed being level headed was the best thing he could do.

Jimin bobbed his head.

"Yeah, that a good idea, except it's almost 7 in the morning" Jin scrunched his nose in confusion, turning his head towards the clock behind him, ah yes, it was indeed almost 7.

Looks like adrenaline was literally the only thing keeping them awake.

"Don't libraries usually have coffee machines?" Namjoon asked, ruffling his hair in annoyance as his eyes searched the room.

"Yep, there should be one at the back" Taehyung whispered, holding it together because he knew the second one of them broke down, all three of them would.

"Got it" Namjoon mumbled, walking to the back and pouring himself, and everyone else, numerous cups of much needed coffee.

Hoseok finally got up from the floor, walking towards one of the numerous computers the library had to offer.

"What are you doi-" Taehyung cut himself off, knowing Hoseok probably wouldn't answer if he was concentrating on it.

Which is why he was surprised when he heard a response.

"Checking the news. It's been a couple of hours, shouldn't the government have some information?"

Taehyung paused, considering it. It had been a long time, the government should know something, but he doubts they would tell them anyway, it's the American government, jown worldwide as the 'bastards that dont give a shit about their citizens'.

Which us why he was surprised yet again. He really was off his game today.

"Apparently it's some virus that makes people go on a rampage. They like...turn into cannibals. The..uh...virus is spread by the teeth? Something like that, I think. Oh and if you get bitten by one of them, you turn into one, like you get their viru-" Hoseok stopped talking.

Finally, finally taking in the fuckig situation.

"You mean..z-zombies?" Jimin stuttered, his whispering cutting the tension in the air.

It was silent for a few seconds, no one knew what to think. They had just found out that the world was being ravaged by some fucking plague.

"H-hyung" Taehyung shakily cried as he walked towards his elder brother, the two clinging to eachother as they tried to calm down.

"I know Tae, i-i know" he hugged him back just as tight, just like the old days, when they would be watching a horror movie.

"Its like that one time we played the walking dead. Just...a bit more realistic" Taehyung tried to reason, chuckling as he wiped away his tears.

"Yeah" Seokjin smiled back fondly, "just a bit"

Hoseok took a seat beside Jimin, the two whispering endlessly with tears gushing out if their eyes.

"We're going to die"

"They're going to eat us"

"I wish I had some ramen on me"

"It could be our last meal, the one and only ramen"

"Shrimp would be nice too"

"Yeah, we could eat shrimp ramen"

Desperately they clung onto their last hope, their last saviour, food.

Namjoon sealed his lips, looking at Jungkook with a predatory gaze. At least he had stopped crying, but this wasnt any better. The lost look, the hopeless eyes...the everything.

"Hey Kook, how about this-" a sudden ringing interrupted him, quickly he got his phone out, almost crying at the contact name.

"Yoongi-hyung! Where are you? Are you safe? Are you bit? Are you-"

"Shut up Namjoon, I'm fine alright, did Kook make it? Are you alright? Any injuries?"

"Oh yeah" Namjook chuckled, bringing the phone into speaker and bringing it to Jungkook. "Jungkook made it, we're both fine, we made some friends"

"Hey kook, how was the jog?" Jungkook chuckled at his successful attempt to make him laugh.

"It was good. How is yours?" Namjoon didnt miss the way Jungkook's eyes shined as he spoke to his hyung.

A deep chuckle resonated from the phone, making Jungkook smile even wider.

"Decided to get a car instead, can you give the phone back to Joon for a minute?"

Jungkook didnt want to, he wanted to keep talking to him, but if Yoongi said he should, he will. He slowly handed the phone back, sulking.

"Hey how the fuck do you hot wire a car again? Was it the yellow wire of the green one?" Jungkook snorted at the comical look in Seokjin's face.

"The green one, why?" Namjoon answered, hearing the sound of a car staring and a satisfied sigh from the phone.

"I found a police truck-" Jimin cut him off, without meaning to.

"Found? How do you just find a police truck?"

"No literally, I was going to the library and then I saw it and decided to check if there was a cop inside..because..well..they are cops. And well...it had good shit, so I decided to take it"

"You got it working right? How far are you? When will you get here? Do you know how to stay safe?" Namjoon started another bombardment of questions.

"Yes, literally a block, a minute, does anyone?" Right after he finished the sentence, a knock came on the door.

Jungkook shot up towards the door, opening it and engulfing the rather short figure.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. You're alive. I'm so sorry" Jungkook mumbled into the man's bluey-silvery  hair, he never really figured out what colour that was.

"Its fine Kook, we both made it. Just be grateful."


I'm so sorry this update us late! But with everything going on in the world it felt rather inappropriate.

On top of that my phone was taking away for a while, so here is a short chapter as an apology.

I'll make sure the next update has at least 4K words :)

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