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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗘𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗗 𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥 is on its way. When my birthday arrived I got a new clothes, a charm bracelet with two charms from my parents; one with a silver 'E', one of a gold four leafed clover and one from Hermione, a silver star. I also got my seconds pierced and a few gifts owled to me from the Weasleys.

"Girls we've got letters!" Mum called from downstairs. My eyes flicked towards my window sill, Athena was still sat comfortably in her cage with her head under her wing.

I sat on my bed and listened out for Hermione's response. "Are they what we need for school?"

"Yes but Eloise has two, one from the Ministry," My mum said, sounding slightly confused. "I think,"

I jumped out of bed and raced down the stairs and Hermione also had the same idea. We both ran to our mum and took the letters.

"We can go to Diagon Alley tomorrow." Hermione smiled at our mum and she nodded.

"So what's the letter for Eloise?" Mum asked cleaning the dining table.

"My parents I think," I said opening the letter with Hermione looking over my shoulder. During the summer she grew a bit and was now taller than me.

My eyes scanned across the letter;

Dear Miss E Granger, 

Regarding your owl, we have found information on your birth parents and your family line. The Gaunt family, part of The Sacred Twenty-Eight and once was an incredibly wealthy family and every member was a pureblood witch or wizard and in Slytherin, however many unfortunately passed at an early age. All known money and inheritance from the Gaunts has been transferred into your vault.

Your father is one of the few members from House of Gaunt that didn't inbreed and married a woman from the Fawley line, another family listed into the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

Your father, Morfin Gaunt Jr, son of Morfin and Vivian Gaunt, was imprisoned in Azkaban from June, 1980 and died in prison in September, 1983 after five dementors approached him at once.

Your mother, Allura Fawley, daughter of Elijah and Gabrielle Fawley and older sister of Eloise Fawley, died in August, 1980, shortly after having you, a common thing for women in your family. The aunt whom you were named after passed when she was nine years old in, 1957, from Scrofungulus.

Your vault has all of the untouched money, possessions and valuable items such as family heirlooms and so on.

Having spoken to Albus Dumbledore, he has said it will be your choice if you would like to change your last name to Gaunt, or have it still remain Granger at school. 

Yours Truly,

Minister for Magic.

I looked at Hermione and she had a slightly shocked look, "Sacred Twenty-Eight? What's that?"

"Twenty eight families that were considered 'truly pure'. There are quite a few at school." She sat down on the sofa. I sat next to her and put the letter in my lap.

"Like who?"

"Well Ron, the Weasleys, Longbottoms, Abbotts," She paused to think, "Quite a few Slytherins; the Flints, Malfoys probably more but I'd forgotten,"

"Hm, that's cool." I slowly nodded.

"I'm certain that the Gaunts are probably one of the purest since they didn't marry halfbloods, it's kind of a big deal in the wizarding world."

"I don't feel any different," I shrugged my shoulders.

She let out a soft chuckle, "So, are you going change your name?" She asked. Her eyes glistened as if slightly worried for my answer.

"I don't know. If you were me would you?" I asked her.

"Maybe, maybe not. It all depends, doesn't it?" She softly smiled.

"I'd still be a Granger deep down, I'd still live with you, you would still be my sister. We just won't have the same name anymore." I placed my hand on her arm, "I know it's a change but now I'm sort of my own person, you know?"

"I guess, I'm happy that you found out about your family, I really am!" She reassured me.

I smiled. "I know, and this isn't going to change anything between us, or other two Gryffindor idiots,"


"I'm kidding!" 

We both laughed. "Can I borrow Athena? I want to send Harry another letter since he hasn't answered the last one." 

I nodded and she got up and left. I looked down at the letter again reading through it one more time.

"So what did they say?" Mum stepped in and sat on the sofa where Hermione was previously sat. I handed her the letter and she read it through. "Wow,"

"Are you mad?" I asked quietly.

"No of course not! I'm happy you now know about your family and it will be a big change, definitely, but I think you should go for it and change your name to Gaunt." She suggested with a big smile.

I nodded slowly, "I'll think about it," 

"What is The Sacred-Twenty Eight?" She folded the letter and placed it on a space on the sofa.

"Twenty eight families that were considered truly pure - well that's what Hermione said," 

"She's a smart girl," 

I nodded and agreed, "Yeah, she's top of the class in a quite a few things."

"What about you?"

I let out a long breath, "Er, I'm good at Flying, Charms and Potions. I think that's what I'm best at," I said with a smile.

After the long day and long discussion with Hermione and my parents I laid down in bed, staring at the stars out the window. Athena flew in through the window and flew into her cage, quietly hooting.

My attention turned to light knocking on my door. I slowly sat up watching my door slowly open. Hermione stood in the doorway. She walked over to the foot of my bed and sat down, "You know, now the Slytherins will all want to be your friend and be nice to you and all," 

"I know." I nodded slowly, "I don't see the problem. I think it's not a bad idea if I'm friends with people in my own house."

"Well I don't want it to change anything," 

"I said it wouldn't, anyway we've still got years left at this school who knows what's gonna happen. Anyway you should go to sleep," I stood up and so did she. I gave her a quick hug and closed the door behind her.

A/N: WOOOO chapter one is finally up!

boring intro i knowwwwwwwww sorry

i think i'm gonna post like the first few chapters today to get th BaLL rOLLiNg yano, and thennnnnnn do daily updates idk sum like that ;)

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