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"𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗙𝗢𝗬!" I hissed.

"What?" He asked taking a bite of a sausage.

"You just took the last sausage! You literally watched me reach for it!," 

He laughed, "You can still have it if you want it so bad,"

I contemplated it for a second, "Okay," I took the fork from his hand that was stabbed in the sausage and took a bite.

Everyone around us laughed,

"I didn't think you actually would," 

I snickered and glanced at Pansy who was staring at me like I was the luckiest person in the world, "Do you want some? You can have the part Draco bit," 

"Yeah," She smiled making the people around her laugh.

"Too bad," I smirked and finished the sausage, handing back Draco's fork.


"My pleasure," I grinned.

Theo cracked a joke but I wasn't paying attention because past his shoulder Hermione was hugging Harry and then awkwardly shook Ron's hand.

"Why do you never laugh at my jokes!" Theo whined, snapping me out of it.

"Because you're not that funny," I retorted, picking up my goblet and taking a few sips from it.

"I'm the funniest person here!" 

I shook my head and out down my goblet, "No, Crabbe and Goyle are probably funnier than you and they don't even talk," 

"Actually Eloise is probably the funniest," Blaise laughed and everyone nodded.

"Awh, how sweet," I laughed and disagreed.

"You don't crack jokes you just say the best things," Daphne added and everyone agreed.


"-Just take the compliment honestly," Draco laughed from beside me,

"Okay okay!" I put my hands u to silence them, "I'm a stand up comedian, I get it."

"Now look what you've done, you've made her ego as big as Malfoy's," Flint chimed in,

"Why are you listening to our conversation?" I laughed.

"I was listening to Theodore's lame jokes," 

"Told you they're rubbish!" I cheered triumphantly, making the others laugh which was quickly drowned out from the noise of Mcgonagall tapping her cup with the edge of her knife.

"Can I have your attention please?"

Professor Dumbledore stood up to start his speech, "Let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey who's mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified!" Me and everyone else, except a few of the Slytherins clapped loudly, "Also in light of recent events, as a school treat all exams have been cancelled!"

This is what made everyone cheer the loudest.

The golden doors swung open silencing the hall, "Sorry I'm late." A voice boomed, Hagrid's voice. He walked through the hall, "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused, some ruddy bird named Errol,"

I smiled at this because Errol was Ron's bird and he must be feeling pretty embarrassed. Hagrid ontinued walking until he reached the trio who were all beaming smiles at him, he paused to speak to them , "I'd just like to say that if it 'adn't been for you Harry, and Ron, and 'Ermione o'course, I would, uh, I'd still be you-know-where so I'd just like to say thanks!"

"I was baking cookies then was I?" I muttered.

"So that's  where you went," Millicent said.

I nodded, "Had to help them with something."

Harry got out of his seat, "It's not Hogwarts without you Hagrid," He said softly, giving him a hug.

Everyone began to clap and cheer. Crabbe stood up to clap but Draco stopped him.

Me and my friends just sat there watching everyone else surround Hagrid in claps and cheers. Once it all died down the feast continued as normal.

"What did you help them with?" Theo asked.

"Nothing really," 

"You missed breakfast today as well," Daphne added.

I laughed quietly, "Yeah I almost got expelled, I was in Dumbledore's office,"

"So it wasn't nothing then," Flint said.

"No it was,"

"How come you're not expelled then?" Malfoy asked.

" 'Cuz got an award for special services to the school award." I smirked.

"Why won't you tell us what you did then?" Pansy asked.

"Fine, I helped Lockhart with something." Technically I did...

"With what?"

"Some Defense Against the Dark Arts? Hello?" I snorted.

After dinner we went back to the common rooms.

"Last night tonight," Millicent said.

I turned around to look at her, "We're coming back Millicent," The boys laughed at my statement.

"Yeah but think about it - oh my god! We're going to miss your birthday!" Daphne said. Saying this turned everyone's attention to me.

"Oh well," I laughed, "You can owl me a letter if it means that much to you."

She shook her head, "No that's not enough. Attention everybody!" She clapped  her hands but everyone was already listening to our conversation, "We're camping out once more!"

"No we don't have to-"

"-Shut up! Everyone get your things and meet back down here!" She cut me off. Everyone followed her orders.

I sighed and went upstairs to get my blanket and pillows then joined everyone back downstairs.

The sofas were already pushed  in place to make a pit in the middle where pillows, cushions and countless blankets were placed into.

We all got into our places and talked for what seemed like forever. We talked about quidditch, teachers, students, sweets - literally anything. 

"Happy birthday dear Eloise, happy birthday to you!" They all sang happy birthday and clapped.

"It's not my birthday yet," I laughed, killing the mood.

The night came to end once we all fell asleep one by one; Crabbe, Pansy, Goyle, Daphne, Me and then the rest.

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