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𝗜 𝗦𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗠𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗢𝗙 the sunday by myself, making the perfect smoke bomb and searching the entire common room for the book I read a year ago; The Life of Salazar Slytherin  but there was nothing to be found, I even went to Madam Pince asking her if she knew where the book could of ended up, she became suspicious but after I'd said it was for my History of Magic homework - which was a lie, she let her suspicions go and told me how the book had been vandalized at the beginning of this year and thrown away.

By the time monday came along I decided to have breakfast with the Gryffindors since I hadn't sat there in a while.

"First thing today is double Potions," Hermione stated, putting her butterknife down.

"I know that," I snorted biting into an apple, I glanced at Ron who was also grinning.

"You have the - the - you know... Don't you?" She leaned towards me and asked in a very quiet voice.

I gasped, "Oh my god, no, I must of forgotten to make it!" 

The three all had a wave of disappointment on their face, but Ron looked more disappointed he didn't get to see it. 

"Eloise!" Hermione sighed, "I told you to make it ready for today and you said you had it all under control!" She rambled on and then stopped when I broke out into a laughing fit.

I reached into an inside pocket of my robes and pulled out a tiny glass vial that had a cork in it, inside floated around a mold coloured smoke, "You know it's a lot harder and complicated with wizard stuff," 

Ron had the biggest smile on his face, "Let's see it," Hermione said reaching for it. 

I pulled it back, almost hitting Dean Thomas in the face, "Careful! I only made one and this will stink up a room in seconds, smells so bad it basically burns the eyes," 

"Fred and George would love you," Ron shook his head in astonishment. I smiled and put the tiny vial back into my pocket

"What about us?" The twins turned their heads to look at us, we all were hesitant to answer him, "We're gonna find out eventually," Fred said.

"Yeah so may as well tell us now," George added.

"Well," Ron said looking for a lie.

"I made a stink bomb," I smiled, resting my elbows on the table.

"Sick!" They said together, "Let's see it then," George added sticking his arm out across the table.

I reached into my inner pocket, "Please do not pull that cork," I said before placing it into his hand.

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