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𝗥𝗢𝗡 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗜 𝗦𝗔𝗧 𝗧𝗢𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 in the Great Hall and he was holding  small basket of gifts, as was I.

"How about we just start opening our own, I'm sure they won't mind," Ron suggested reaching into a basket getting two gifts and passing them to me, "One's from mum and one's from me," 

Hermione and Harry sat in front of us before I got into the smaller present, "Sorry we were checking on the potion," Hermione whispered.

"Shush, I'm opening a gift." I looked down at the small wrapped gift and opened it, I squealed and threw my arms around Ron almost knocking him off the bench.

"Socks?" Hermione asked confused, I pulled away from Ron and sat back in my place. 

"Fluffy  socks." Ron corrected.

"I don't get it," Harry shook his head.

"I love love love  fluffy socks," I put the socks to the side and opened the bigger one.

"That is true," Hermione agreed once she remembered.

I smiled at the dark green jumper with a big letter E on it in silver, "Tell your mum I said thank you and that I love it," I folded it and placed it down on the table.

After all the gift trading Hermione got all serious.

"So, the potion is ready, we just need a bit of who we're changing into," She explained. 

"Excuse me?" Ron choked, "I am not  drinking something that's got Crabbe's toenails in."

I couldn't keep a straight face.

"Their hairs will do just fine," She rolled her eyes.

"Well how are we getting them," Harry asked.

"Yeah and whose hair are you ripping out?" Ron added

"I've already got mine, from when Millicent Bulstrode tried to strangle me, she left this on my robes," She held up a vile of hair, gross.

"Eloise, you could get some of Crabbe and Goyle's hair for us," Harry suggested.

"Er no. How's that supposed to work, 'hey you two, I know we never talk but I'm gonna need some of your hairs'  yeah why wouldn't that work?"

Hermione put two cupcakes on the table, "I've already planned ahead and filled these with a simple sleeping draft, simple but powerful. You two just need to make sure they find these and Elle, go get spare Slytherin uniforms. Meet back in the girls toilets." 

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