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"𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟?!" Ron cried chasing after Harry.

"Harry wait! Not so fast!" Hermione said, out of breath. 

Harry picked up on his speed and the other two were slowing down, I stayed close on his heels, "Harry! Listen, I heard it too!" I said.

He stopped running and looked at the puddles of water on the floor, he stepped over closer to the windows. A trail of tiny spiders were all heading in one direction, through a tiny hole in the window.

The other two finally caught up, "Strange, I've never seen spiders act like that..." He muttered.

"I don't like spiders," Ron shivered. 

I took my eyes off the spiders and onto the puddles of water on the floor, in the reflection I saw something written. I looked up at the wall.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware." I read out.

"What?" Ron asked, turning around and then gasping at the wall, along with the other two.

"It's written in blood." Hermione stated.

"Oh no..." Harry sighed, he slowly stepped towards the wall and then I realized what he was walking over too. A cat hanging by its tail from one of the torch holders on the wall.

"Ew Harry don't go near it." I mumbled looking away.

"It's Filch's cat. Mrs Norris" He said.

A lot of people began flooding the halls. I turned around and looked at everyone's faces, Madame Pomfrey had a hand over her mouth, a lot of people were looking at Harry shocked and confused, Percy pushed Colin Creevey's camera down. Then I turned to the other side and the Slytherins were just staring, with blank faces.

"Enemies of the heir beware? You'll be next mudbloods!" Malfoy spat.

"What's going on here? Go on make way make way!" Filched pushed through Fred and George, "Potter. What are you..." He trailed off once he realized his cat was hanging behind him. 

Someone tugged me away, I turned around, Daphne pulled me towards the Slytherins.

"Mrs Norris?" Mr Filch whimpered, "You murdered my cat."

Harry shook his head, "No," Malfoy and his goons all smirked.

"I'll kill ya," Filch grabbed Harry by the tie, "I'll kill ya!" He bellowed once more.

"Argus." Dumbledore called out, he released Harry and looked at the headmaster, "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately, everyone except you three," He pointed at the three Gryffindors and then turned to me, "And you." 

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