chapter 7

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Despite the fact that I want to be a medical doctor,but I hate the smell of hospital.I had to force myself to cope with all the smells of blood and spirits.

I sat down in the reception waiting for daddy to put in appearance as it was already 8 AM.I was extremely hungry and could swallow a horse without being satisfied, but the appetite seems not to be there with all the tensions surrounding me.

Even the doctors are not saying anything since we arrived at the hospital last night.

From last night to now,you could tell how peeled off I look. I wish this day never came.Why can't we just stay happy all the time I thought?
If I had superpowers,I would have rewind back to last night when I watch everyone of my family happy, doing one thing or the other.when will all this problem come to an end?

Just last night we were all excited and in a little time everything changed and the world came crumbling down on us.

I could still pierce through the beautiful smile of my mother when she was telling me to get ready for the party.
Steven,paul and stephanie were also busy dancing and having fun with their friends. Even though I didn't participate,I enjoyed watching them.

Rose was also playing around with her pink fairy dress with feathers on them as if she knew how to fly and I called her fairy princess.

Everything seemed alright and our Hopes remained raised high until when daddy appeared.
"Mercy..Becky and the rest,where are you all"Daddy called as he bagged into the house.

Even though we are used to daddy's call whenever he has something important to say,but this time around it was so different,his voice was trailed off.

The music was too high on the terrace,and he had to keep calling before I finally heard his voice and rushed downstairs.
I was so excited because that was what I have been waiting for,to hear the good news.
Immediately I stepped into the main parlor,I gave daddy a warm hug and said"welcome home daddy,we've been waiting for you for so long"with my hand still wrapped around his arms.

To my utter disappointment, he pulled me gently away from him and asked where mum is.I knew something was wrong so I quickly went upstairs and called mummy aside.
"Mummy!Daddy is home,he is in the main parlor.we have to go"she gave me a smile of triumph and went downstairs while I went around to call stephanie and the rest without distracting the guests that were still waiting for daddy's arrival.

"What is the problem honey?"mummy asked daddy.
"What sound is coming up from the terrace?" He managed to ask but his eyes were very red.
"It's a surprise honey,come on go dress up and quickly join us."
"What surprise!can someone tell me what the hell is going on in this house?" He said in a fit of rage.
We all gasped in surprise!Daddy has never been so upset like this before, even though there's always a first time but it shouldn't be happening today on his big day.
"Daddy we are throwing a party for you"steven said
"What party?"
"Yes a party for you,and the guests are already here since hours ago"mummy added.
"So you all have the gots to host a party when I'm doomed. Look!I want everyone out of my house right now"He said in a very loud angry voice.

The word doomed kept echoing in my ear and I wonder for a fraction of an instant what he meant by doomed.
A little finger of fear shee up my spine as I tried to pull myself together and went up to deal with the guests.

The guests were already wondering where all of us were.I gathered some courage to collect the mic from the Mc and started talking " sorry to say but....b...."I stopped as I lost words to say
"Have a little sense Becky,you've been embarrassed enough just say it and face the music"my instincts said to me and I quickly continued in a manner that raised eyebrows.But there's nothing left,we've already been embarrassed "the party is over,the person we are expecting isn't here yet so we can call it a day.Thanks for honoring our invitations and I wish you all safe journey back to your destinations "
I ushered them out through the back door and as the last guest left,I heard a murderous scream which got my attention and I quickly ran to the main parlor.

I saw mum lying down on the floor unconcious and I quickly ran to the kitchen to get some glass of water,I sprinkled the water three times on her face without responding.

"Quickly start the car Steven " daddy said as he grabbed mum in his arms the bridal style and put her in the passenger's seat.

I was left at home with the rest of the kids as daddy and steven drove to the hospital.
"What happened to mummy?" I asked stephanie

Earlier before I finished with the guests, daddy told mummy about what happened at the office. "I'm finished mercy,the goods have been confiscated by the customs as the found illegal drugs in the goods and the company decided to withdraw the contract"he said,helplessly reclining on the sofa in vast pool of tears.

Mummy started shaking daddy's body while weeping profusely with quivering lips"tell me this is not true,tell me it's just a nightmare because it's too pleasant to be true"

"It's the naked truth I'm telling you mercy"daddy said in a weak voice as he cry silently in agony.

"What???how can they do this to us !"Mummy said as she screamed blue murder and fell to the ground.

The world came spinning round all of them as shock held them captive not until I appeared and brought the glass of water to sprinkle on mummy .

"Excuse me Miss,your patient is awake she's out of danger.she has been transferred to room 5,you can go see her"
It was the Doctor on duty and her voice suddenly brought me back to the present world as I found myself in the hospital.

I went into the room and saw mummy with her eyes wide open as she kept staring at the door."Oh lord!Thank you for protecting my life"i said as I quickly ran to her bed and held her hands"Mummy how are you?we miss you alot,everyone is worried about you.please don't fall sick again.I love you" I was so emotional that I couldn't control tears that forced themselves out of my wet eyes.

To my utmost disappointment, she pushed me from the bed and I almost hit my head on the oxygen machine that stood beside her bed"what are you doing here you witch?"she said in uproar anger.

This chapter is dedicated to all mothers around the globe.I want to seize this opportunity to say a big thank you to our mothers for their untiring love and support. We are nothing without you.
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This writer just needs your little support and care,it means alot to me.Love you all and stay tuned.

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