chapter 18

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After my 16th birthday, daddy was able to enroll my siblings in a more average school.
Even though it's not expensive as the school they left,but daddy still made sure it was a good school worth giving them a quality education.

Steven was  now in ss3 since it was only a year gap between me and him.

Stephanie finished her junior secondary section so she started ss1 in the new school while paul was in jss 1 and Rose in primary four.

I wrote jamb too and thankfully I scored 300.I didn't wrote jamb last year when I graduated because all my dad's plan was to send me to india.
But with the twist of fate,I wrote this year and applied Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,Kaduna state.

It's one of the prominent universities in Nigeria and with less tuition fee.My daddy actually suggested that I should just go for University of lagos popularly known as unilag because he doesn't want me away from home.But I still insisted on going to ABU and he finally agreed.

This year was a year of struggle for my family, daddy has gone to all his good friends for help but no one was willing to help him.They even tend to avoid him all of the time.

There was a day he came home looking depressed and withdrawing into a shell.

the way he was looking was so discouraging "what's wrong with you honey,why are you looking so worried?"mummy queried as he reclined on a stretcher in the living room.

He didn't say anything, instead he bursted into uncontrollable tears like a helpless child in the midst of nowhere.

We were all worried,i and stephanie rushed to him also crying "why are you crying daddy?" I managed to ask between my choked voice.

"Please stop crying daddy and tell us what's wrong with you"stephanie also said in sympathy.

Before we could realize it,everyone was crying as all of us surrounded him.It was only mummy that gathered some courage to talk.

"You all should stop crying please, it won't help anything"

"I can't believe how in human people are these days "daddy started In a hoarse voice.

"can you believe all my friends turned down on me,i had to stand outside the sun for hours to speak to some of them.Infact some even lied that they are not around. I couldn't believe when  Mr Emmanuel drove pass me on the road,he saw me because I was making gestures for him to stop but to my biggest surprise he whined up his glass and splashed water on me."He concluded,frantically shaking his head in utter disappointment.

We all felt so sad,it is true that you won't know who your real friends are until you get into trouble. Nobody stays, these are thesame people that use to come over for dinner to our house.

Thesame people that daddy use to help whenever they have any problems, infact daddy even once gave a car to that same Mr Emmanuel that splashed him water as a birthday gift.

"Please stop crying daddy, everything is going to be fine okay. We are here to support you through thick and thing" I said trying to revive his hope with my voice trailed off.

Nothing was going well,daddy couldn't get a job.The year was coming to an end and our rent was due to expire.

Mr Kelvin has been on daddy's neck to pay back his 15 million naira loan he collected.

He has no pity at all,he knows the situation daddy was in but he never cared,he comes every morning knocking on our door.

Instead of hearing the cock crow, Mr Kelvin's voice is what wakes us up every day.

Steven managed to finish his one year at secondary school and it was quite successful.

Thank goodness daddy paid for two sessions for stephanie, Paul and Rose since steven has only a year left.

So there is still a year left before we start thinking of how to raise funds to pay for another session.

We were having dinner and also having a great time when my phone flashed the notification light.

I checked it and saw I recieved a mail and I quickly went in to check what the Inbox contains.

I screamed in excitement as all eyes were on me to hear what I was so excited about.

"What's wrong bestie?did you won a trophy or what?"stephanie asked waiting to hear my response.

I smiled and look up to them saying"Well,it's a good news, I've gotten admission to study medicine In ABU zaria "

I gave the phone to daddy to read the message. "Wow!Congratulations my princess.Oh sorry Doctor Becky in advance "He said with his hand on my shoulder.

"Congratulations my Angel,I'm so proud of you.I know you'll surely get admitted with all your good scores ."mummy said expressing her happiness.

"Congratulations bestie "Stephanie said as she ran towards my seat to give me a hug "I'm so happy for you"

I stood up from my chair to give her a hug too.

Steven also congratulated me with a hug as well as Paul and Rose.

I was so excited,but suddenly my mood changed. I stopped smiling and mummy noticed that and she asked.

"What's wrong ?"

"I'm just not happy mummy "

"Why?" She asked curiously.

"Why!Just a while ago you were happy. what you've been desperately waiting for had finally come."daddy asked looking confused.

"I don't want to go to the school anymore "I dropped the bombshell as everyone threw a shocking look at me.

"But why?is that not what you've been praying for?"mummy asked.

"Yes mummy!It has always been my dream and will always be.But it came at the wrong time"

"What do you mean by it came at the wrong time?"daddy asked

"I can't just go somewhere else when my family are going through tough times, when you all need me the most.I can't be far away from home.I want to stay and help you all,we have to suffer this together. "

My family tried as much as possible to convince me but I explained my reasons. I can't leave them.They had no option than to accept my decision, after all it's my life, they can't force me do what I don't want to do.

Author's note.
Sorry for the late update, I was a little bit sick.
Hope you are enjoying it.
Dedicated to one of my friend
@A_Good_Username07 thanks alot for your advice and support.
You can check out his works,trust me you won't regret it.
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