chapter 14

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I was in the room still reading SO LONG A LETTER by Mariama BA.I heard stephanie's voice downstairs,and it sounds she is angry or someone got fresh with her.

I decided to go downstairs to see what was going on.I entered the main parlor and saw her looking so sad,it seems they just got back from school because she was on her school uniform hanging her school bag from her back.

Seeing her with school back made me remembered that the session had come to an end.In our school, we don't use school bags because everyone has his locker where we put all our books and lock it up and go home with our keys.

The locker is attached to our desk,and we only take our assignment books home.Most atimes we use projectors and laptops to study.

The senior classes would use laptops while the junior section use Tabs.But whenever session is over,we pack our belongings from the locker inside our bags since we are going to change class.

She started talking to mummy in a teary voice"I swear I won't go back to that school next year mummy"

"Why stephanie?"mummy asked concerned
"My friends betrayed me,just because I don't spend money on them like before,they left me."

"Why are you so worried about them stephanie, it's not like your whole life depends on them huh?leave them alone.You are there to study,you are not there for them"Mummy said trying to calm her down as tears were still running down her face.

I thought it would be nice if I chip in something. I saw that coming really. Stephanie has always been the queen Bee and everyone knows her in the school. So it would really be embarrassing to her to adapt to the new change.

Daddy is just managing the little he has left before we find a possible way out.So I went to her and said"come on stephanie,don't cry over this, people are always like that.Everyone follows you when you are in light,but when you are in darkness even your shadow leaves you"

She didn't bat an eyelid but I still tried to console her,I held her and gave her a side hug rubbing her back gently. "It's okay if you don't want to go back to the school, session has end already and we can find a way out.stop crying please "

She withdrew her body from me and said"Really?you are telling me to relax.Because of you I've become the reason for spiteful gossip.Nobody wants to be my friend, nobody wants to talk to me,they only mock me and point fingers on me whenever I pass and everyone mocks me all because of you.I only keep whirling in shame.Thanks alot Miss Becky Johnson,a job well done"

"Relax stephanie, I didn't do anything,I just thought I could help.But it seems it's doing no good"I said in furry

"What help do you think you can render?"she said with her voice raised while pointing fingers on me.

It was never my thing to get angry so easily, but she's crossing her limit. I don't know why on earth she has to be accusing me for what I didn't do.I have to put her in her right place,I can't take it anymore.
"Stephanie!for the last time I'll tell you to stop accusing me.Oh wow!you are really upset about what your friends are doing to you huh?why?have you not always acted mean towards those that are lower than you.Because the daughter of the owner of The johnsons Nigeria limited huh and you think you can walk on people the way you like.Now you are having the taste of your own medicine,so why are you complaining. It's your turn to feel how you've been making people feel only then will you realize how bad it feels to treat people low.It serves you right "I concluded gesticulating wildly in anger as I waltz out of the main parlor and went back to my room.

I think it's high time I stop feeling bad about myself just because my siblings feel that I'm bad.I've been nice enough and it's time to take action, if not they'll continue to make me feel inferior.

The whole episode spoil my mood and I couldn't concentrate on my novel.There was no place to go and find comfort  since daddy wasn't at home.

The only place I think I can have peace of mind at that moment is the garden,amidst the beautiful flowers.

So I went to the garden and smell all the nice flowers which gave me joy.Nature is really powerful I thought.

Daddy wasn't home for lunch,he's out there trying to make ends meet.So his chair was empty.

I didn't talk to anybody during lunch,I ate my food and went back to the room.Mummy didn't say a word concerning what happened between me and Becky and it's good that she keeps mute otherwise the situation would have been worse,my anger is really bad,I might end up saying things to mummy that I would regret later.

Daddy was able to make it home for dinner, it was also a silent one and am sure daddy knew something is fishy.

I left before everyone because I can't just stand them anymore.Daddy followed me to the room and asked what's wrong.

I didn't hesitate to narrate everything to him as he listened.I couldn't believe I was crying "I didn't mean to fight with her daddy, trust me,you know it's not my thing. But the way she accused me was not right. If they don't change now when will they?"I said using my hands to wipe away my tears.

"Relax Becky!you did the right thing, you've had enough and stephanie is younger than you,she is not supposed to be speaking to you in that manner. "He said pulling me to his chest.

Daddy later called stephanie to his room and scolded her for being ill mannered.

I actually felt somehow After daddy scolded her,I didn't tell him to make him scold her.I only told him because it was disturbing me,and he's the only person I can tell my problems.

I decided to apologize during bedtime when she came to sleep.
"Ummm!"I cleared my throat "I'm really sorry about what happened today,I didn't mean to say all that to you stephanie.I didn't know what came over me,I just don't like the way you accused me but trust me I love and care for all of you"
"It's okay,I'm sorry too."she said without  looking up.

I feel some relief now,since she accepted my apology even though it was formal.I can now sleep peacefully with clear mind.
"Better days are coming "I murmured to myself closing my eyes to dive into the dream land.

Author's note
Stay tuned......more updates coming up soon.
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