The minds of all

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Everyone in MM

the semester was finally over and it seemed to go by so fast . we were finally on thanksgiving break and I was thankful for that. I haven't had a real meal in god knows how long lol 3 months to be exact. Being that I didn't really have family An old friend of mine invited me to be with her and her family for thanksgiving break . Yea Yea what about your girlfriend ? Well I've grown tired of stacia and her constant cheating. I've moved back to my dorm and I still have yet to speak to tash but it's only been two weeks I need time.

haven't spoken to stace in two days I wonder if it had some thing to do with me fucking Larissa two weekends ago. But I honestly doubt that. But I'm just glade it's thanksgiving break I get to go home see my family and friends I miss it back in Cali I can't wait to board my flight in a few hours I haven't even told my family yet . I know their going to be stoked when they see me.

Thanksgiving with my pops can't wait man I miss the old dude I know he's going to be happy to see me. Everything's been going well for me and I'm thankful for that.

Being the fact that I'm from here and everyone's leaving for the break kind of sucks .

Jojo & moray
Who would've thought we'd be spending thanksgiving together & calling each other babe Jojo thought to her self as her & moray drove to South Carolina for thanksgiving

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