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Yeji's phone rang and its from Heejin. Yeji answered it


Hi Yeji, I was wondering if your with Ryujin?

Yeah I am, why?

Nothing I'm just checking if she's ok

She's always ok, don't worry

Thank you Yeji

Yeji was actually helping Ryujin to surprise Heejin for their 2nd anniversary as a couple. They made a reservation at a beach resort. On the other hand, Heejin was still confused about herself because she doesn't know how to tell Ryujin that she wanted to break up with her... Well it's because her parents want them to break up and go abroad with them or else they will plan to do something terrible to Ryujin. Heejin doesn't want Ryujin to get hurt. She packed all her stuff and went downstairs.

"Mom, Dad... I'm ready"

Ryujin was very excited and nervous at the same time. She went back and forth thinking what to do next.

"Hey Ryu, you can do this" Yeji said while placing her hand in Ryujin's shoulder "If you need something I'll be at the bar"

Yeji then hid near the corner and wait. Ryujin took a deep breath then her phone sound. It was a message from Heejin. Her bright smile faded and turned into a frown while reading the message.

Bibi, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do... I don't know how to say this but I'm breaking up with you... My parents want me to go with them abroad and I don't want them to do something terrible at you... So take care of yourself always even without me. Remember this I'll be here supporting you even if I'm not there. While your reading this message, I'm already heading to the airport... Until we meet again... Shin Ryujin

Yeji saw that Ryujin dropped her phone and ran to get her car. Yeji picked up Ryujin's phone and was shocked to read the message. She doesn't know what to say, she then put the phone at her pocket and followed Ryujin.

Ryujin on the other hand was driving on full speed just to get at the airport fast and also just to see Heejin one last time when a huge truck was about to turn right. Ryujin quickly shifted the wheel but it went straight through the other side of the road which crashed to another truck. Her car went upside down, she was clearly unconscious , and there were a lot of blood coming out of her head.

Yeji was driving to find Ryujin when she saw a lot of people and an ambulance gather in one place, so she decided to take a closer look.

"Excuse me, what happened?"

"Oh someone got into an accident, I don't know how it happened though"

Yeji just nodded and turned to see Ryujin's car upside down.

"Could it be?.... No" a tear drop to her right cheek. She then called Ryujin's parents and informed about what happened.

Yeji was seating beside Ryujin and praying that she would wake up sooner or later then Ryujin's parents entered.

"We'll handle this and rest for now, Yeji" She nodded

Yeji was driving in the middle of the night and stop because the red light was flashed. She just couldn't think straight she just cried all night.

Every day she would visit Ryujin. And one day, she was fallen asleep in the coach when, Ryujin was about to wake up. She heard noises which disturb her sleep. She shocked that Ryujin woke up then she came up to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad you're ok, Ryu" Yeji release her but Ryujin just gave her a confused look

"Sorry but... who are you?" Yeji was devastated to hear those words coming from her bestfriend. That's when she realized it was all Heejin's fault. But time flew, Yeji told Ryujin all the good memories and not mentioning Heejin's name even once.



Now that Heejin's back, I should be prepared for what's coming up next especially Ryu already find someone else to be in her life.

A/N:Wow two days ago 500+ reads then 700 today. Thank You so much pips 🥺🥺💞💞

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