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Lia and Chaeryeong was roaming around the mall to find somewhere to eat. One gift store caught Lia's eyes, she then entered followed by Chaeryeong.

"I think this place is what I need" Lia mumbled

"Unnie, you should buy this" I look at Chaeryeong who is holding a heart box and I nodded

"What gift should I give her? Hmm..."



I was walking alone when someone wrap her arm around my neck

"How are you?" Hyunjin said

"I'm fine not until you came" I said then her expression changed lmao


"Nah, I'm just kidding..." I said then she smiled happily again

"Can I... walk you home?" She said then nodded and smiled


Is this her address? I hope Yeji is not kidding or else. By the way, I thought her class already ended an hour and a half ago.

I took out my phone from my pocket then a notification pop out... It was a post in of our school so I ignored it, that's when I heard laughters nearby. I look up to see Heejin with a friend, I put my phone back inside of my pocket.

"Hi? C-can we talk?" I said then put a smile

I looked at them silently while they are whispering then her friend nodded, smiled at me and left.

"Hi Ryujin, what brings you here?"

"Well... I just want to know more... about... us in the past" I said

I'm still waiting for her say next. I think I'll give her time for now. She then decided to unlock her door then opened it.

"Let's talk inside" She said and we went inside of her apartment



"Babsh, I'm hungry" I said while Y/N is cooking dinner

"Hold your horses" She said "it's done in a minute"

"No, I want you as my din—"

"Nah-uh Yeji, I said only after marriage" She said

"Fine, I'll wait for the right time" I said and smiled "By the way, I thought you're going home after you cook?"

"Oh, I forgot about that to tell that I'll be sleeping with you since my parents want me to spend time with you"

We actually went to her house last week to ask permission from her parents that we are dating... luckily they agree.

"Really? Yeyyy" I jump then I was about to hug her but she stop me

"Chill wait, I'm gonna place this at the table first" She then placed the Spaghetti at the table. She then hugged me tight

"I love you~" I said

"Love you too~" She said "Lets eat!"

"How's Ryujin's ex, By the way?" She asked

"Oh, She's fine, I think she will be happy that Ryujin would try to get back to her" I said and she nodded

I tell her about everything happened that day since it doesn't let my mind to keep it any longer.

"That's good but what about Li-"

"I already figured that she likes me" I said while eating "this is so good!"

"Oh, Ho-"

"I noticed by the way she looks at me its like how you look at me, most of the time"

"Hey!" I giggled "but when will you tell her that you have me?" She added

"Just eat first, babe" I said "I'll be the one will wash the dishes"

I don't want to hurt her feelings but I'll need to tell her



I was walking by the bridge but Chaeryeong is still not there so I just sat at the bench waiting for her. I opened the box and ate one pizza when I heard giggling from my back I turned around but I see no one,the giggling is still there then I turned in the opposite direction when I see Chaeryoung's face 3 inch away from mine.

Argh... my hearteu huhuhu

"Unexpectedly you're the first to arrived" She said while sat down beside me

"Well I'd do anything for you" I flashed a smile to her

"Awww... what a cute baby" She said while pinching my cheeks

"It hurts... ah.. and stop calling me baby" I said "I feel like I'm still a child"

"Of course you're still a child you're two years younger than me" I pouted

"See? You're so cutee" She pinch my cheeks again

"Ahh, unnie! It hurts"

"By the way how's your visit at Ryujin's?"

"Well She's been better" She nodded

"I feel bad for he-" She said "Hey!"

"What?" I said

"You didn't left me some" She said while pointing at the pizza box

"Hehe" I awkwardly laughed then she pouted then fake cry

"I'll buy you ice cream, I promise" I said then she hugged me

"Yeyyy" she said

How did I even know this cute girl?


A/N: Sorry if there are errors I'm too lazy to edit it 😅 Thank You for 8k reads 🥺
Belated happy birthday to Our Lia 💖💖💖

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