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"Long time no see, Yeji" I offered my hand but she just looked at it then went back reading. I sat at my seat and opened my textbook.

Just then I remembered Ryujin. She just smiled at me earlier like nothing happened two years ago. Who is that girl she's with? Should I ask Yeji what's going on about Ryujin when I left? I faced Yeji, took a deep breath and opened my mouth just then she spoke.

"If you're asking what happened to her, She has amnesia" Yeji said without looking. Wow She was never been this cold before

"Amnesia? How?"

"She got into an accident... that's all I know" I know she's lying, I can feel it

I just smiled and went back reading this stupid book and trying to focus to the lesson

After class I packed my this inside my bag then glanced at Yeji. I saw she was grabbed by someone, I tried to follow them but they disappeared. Just then I just carry my things and went to the nearest cafe.


I'm glad that I changed Ryujin's number as soon I went home that day, if not Heejin will able to contact her.

The school bell rang and I immediately packed my stuff and went outside, the moment I took my step outside the door someone grabbed my hand and dragged me at the comfort room

"Geez, you scared me Yuna" She turned around then put her hand in my mouth covering it. There was silence in a minute then Yuna sigh

"Why is Heejin unnie here?"

"I don't even know, worse she's in my class"

"Fudge, what should we do unnie?" I think to myself what should we do. The only way Heejin will avoid Ryujin is jealousy but I know she will never give up that easily. That's when an idea pop up

"How about we should make Lia fall in love with Ryu"

"but Lia unnie likes someone else" what!? Shet


"Sorry unnie I can't tell" I sighed

"You know what I don't care, I know it would be hard but lets just do what I said" Yuna sighed and nodded.

*buzz**buzzz* I looked at my phone and it was from Ryujin.

Where are you guys?

Sorry, We'll be there in a minute

I'll be waiting for you at the gate


"Lets get going" I said to Yuna "She's looking for us"


I was walking to the gate then I something pops up in my mind. I don't know why I can see myself riding a car and crush into a truck. I lowered my body at the ground, head down because my head hurts while people are just passing by

"What happened with her?"

"Shh... Just ignore her" a girl said

I decided to forget it, get myself up and texted Yeji that I'll be waiting for them thats when I saw Lia, so I smiled widely. She was with Chaeryoung talking to each other. I called her and she turned around. Tell me why is she so pretty?

"Lia, I need to ask you something"


Chaeryoung and I headed to the gate together but someone called me from afar. I turned around to see Ryujin coming towards us

"Lia, I need to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Cc-an  we h-angout this Saturday?" She said "You know... do the project" she winked

"Yeah sure, see you at class tomorrow" I smiled then wave bye to Ryujin

We were walking to the cafe and I still have the smiled from earlier then Chaeryeong mentioned something

"You know what, you and Ryujin can be a good looking couple"

"What are you saying?"

"Well you two are kinda cute and the way Ryujin looked at you though"

"We're just friends, Chae. Nothing more, nothing less" I said "You already know who my crush is right?" She nodded

"Oh we're here, unnie... see ya later at home"

"OK, be careful" I said while waving

I changed my school uniform to my work clothes. I was at the cashier when I heard the entrance door opened and saw the girl that Ryujin bumped into earlier.

"Hi miss, can I take your order?"

"Can I have an iced americano" she said and I nodded

"Name please?" I said


"Okay your order will be in 5mins, you can take your seat" I was about to say 'next' but Heejin somewhat spoke

"Can we talk?"

A/N: Wow 1k+ reads. I feel proud of myself. Thank you sooooo much pips for reading and voting. AY LUV YALL🥺💞💞💞🤙🏻

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