Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

I wake up to a strong light coming from my right and no talking or movement. Opening my eyes I see that I am alone in my hospital room.

I take time to adjust to my surroundings, blinking and covering my eyes until I feel fine. I look around before grabbing my phone and checking the time to see way too many notifications from the texting app and that it is 6 AM, meaning it is long before my family will be here.

I use Face ID and swipe up to open the texting app. I look over at my friend requests to see 114! Holy. This early? No one has lives anymore...

I look at the number for a second to take that in and prepare myself for a long 5 minutes of adding people back then an entire day of responding, and let's be honest, I probably will ignore everyone.

Once done my attention gets caught by one person who goes by the name 'JifHater'. I giggle to myself thinking about it and click on the messages.

"U pingspoof?" Is their first message to me. I giggle to myself and respond with "Why do you need to know?" And wait a few minutes while I play my favourite game on my phone, f/g. (Fav game).

While playing the game I get many notifications asking if I'm a boy or girl, some flirting off the bat and some asking how I'm doing or for my name. I decide to not respond to those people and stick to this Jif hater.

Ding. Signaling Jif hater has responded, I tap on the notification to see that he has said "It iis importajnt..." I laugh wondering if they're actually serious or not, or if he's okay in the head. "Why is it important?" I respond.

They are quick to respond this time and respond with "Just, tell me..." They mysteriously say. "Fine, you've caught me... I am..." I pretend to be legitimately upset. "I'm sorry" I double text.

"It's... It's okay, UnicornMeat96. I undersdtand, and thamk u for admuitting it to me..." They respond as I blush in embarrassment realizing my name is ACTUALLY UNICORNMEAT96! "Butttttt, we doo need to get u cleansed from your sins, ya know? pingspoofung!" They continue and just then, I realize... They're probably 5 years old. The spelling is completely off and is just hard to look at.

I think for a second about how this app is for people 18 years and older, maybe this kid faked their age, that's an easy thing to do... But, they do have proper sentence structure... So they could just... suck at typing?

Before I could keep thinking my thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." I roughly say, my voice cracking. I smile, putting down my phone on my table. The door opens revealing the nurse who takes care of me. "Hello y/n, I see you're starting to talk more! That's great and happening earlier than we expected, still try to not talk much though." She walks over to check on everything, also bringing a tray of f/f and water.

She hands me the water and sets down the tray of food and begins working. I pick up my phone, sipping on the straw and reply to the person, completely forgetting my thought process before the nurse came in.

"Haha, how do I do that?" I respond smiling to myself. And I put down my phone, completely forgetting about it as my parents walk into the room, without my sister... She probably has school, it is Monday.

"Hey hun!" My mom exclaims excitedly as her and my dad walk into the room, my dad carrying a whole case of water bottles, also being my favorite kind of water! (If you're a true water lover, you'd realize all water tastes different.)

My dad places down the case at the side of my bed and exclaims "We brought water!" as my mom sits beside me, soon my dad follows her actions on my other side. "Soooo... How's everything going, Susan?" My mom looks towards the nurse.

"Oh, as good as always, y/n started talking a bit today but I told her she shouldn't talk too much so she heals faster, weird how her throat is healing at this rate... It's pretty rare that happens!" The nurse smiles.

"Aweeee my baby is amazing!!" My mom gushes over me, pulling at my cheeks 'lovingly' as I flail my arms in an attempt to save myself from the demon that is my mom.

"Ok, hun..." my dad says awkwardly as he holds my over joyed mom back from me. "So, do you think she'll be out in time for graduation?" My dad asks the nurse.

"Oh definitely! She might still have a small throat problem but she should be fine and talking by then, we'll, that is if she continues getting better every day at the rate she's going!" The nurse happily responds, smiling as she goes back to her work.

My mom sighs happily as my dad fake cries. "My little girl is gonna graduate high school.." he wipes a fake tear from his face. "I remember when I was your age, graduation was an amazing time of my life.. spent with the most beautiful woman in the world..." my dad gives puppy eyes to my mom.

Forgot to mention, my parents have been dating since seventh grade! And best friends since birth! If only I could have a loving relationship like that...

My mom kisses my dads cheek as she smiles contently. "Yes... I am amazing." My mom narcissistically responds, not commenting my dad in the slightest. He then continues to give my mom puppy eyes waiting for a comment he'll never receive.

I blurt out the smallest, yet best laugh I could which turned out to be a small chuckle and my parents look at me, beginning to laugh themselves.

-Kiwii <3 

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