My Treasure: Ravenclaw mc Part 1

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I did it! I finally did it! I found my brother! I should've been happy, but I wasn't. Rowan was killed and Rakepick escaped. It's all my fault. If I was only stronger. I have so many answers for my brother and I want this ALL TO END! I've been doing this for 5 years and I've put my friends' lives in danger on the line including their families... Why did R have to exist? Why does Voldemort have to exist? Why do I have to endure this?! I've decided that I won't rest for even one second and study the library until I can solve and figure the vaults out and identify who R is. I've also decided that I'll isolate myself from my friends and family and so I don't put them in harms danger. And here is what I look like now. My hair is messy, my clothes is also messy, and I look like a zombie since I haven't been sleeping for a month. You may think that it's impossible for a human to go without sleep for a month, but before I isolated myself from my friends, I asked Penny to help me make me 10 Wideye potions since I can't make 10 Wideye potions by myself and when Penny asked me why, I told her I couldn't tell her since she'll get worried and I hate it when someone gets worried about me. Even though she didn't look convinced, she still brewed it for me. I have loved her for many years but I didn't have the courage to tell her because I was afraid that if she didn't feel the same way, the relationship that we have now will be destroyed...


Why does mc need 10 Wideye potions? I want to find out but I promised some third-years that I would help them in potions. I'll tried to figure it out later... It's been a week and I haven't found them yet... Where are they? I've searched everywhere! Charms, Potions, Flying, and more. I should've stopped and asked them before they left! I'll ask everyone if they've seen mc this week... "Rowan!" I yelled as Rowan was in the dining hall. "Have you seen mc this week?" I asked."No. I thought he was with you!" Rowan said worriedly. "Oh, ok then I'm going to ask others about mc..." I told Rowan. I got the same answer from everyone. I've asked Tonks, Tulip, Talbott, Barnaby, Bill, and everyone else! How does no one in this school know where mc is?! I'll find you mc! You saved my sister's life and comforted me when I was feeling my worst, so it's my turn to help you because I love you! 

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