Prologue: The History of a Puzzle

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Cover Art by ChiineArtist on DeviantArt

1st Millenium B.C., Ancient Egypt

"The Egyptian Gods have fallen!"A demonic voice roared victoriously across the desert, resounding from the colossal monstrosity which stood before an army of men who stared wide-eyed at the three stone statues that were once their godly protectors.

The skies were blackened with a blanket of pure darkness from a solar eclipse that'd seemingly been caused by the monster known as Zorc, who stood victorious in the midst of the three defeated Egyptian God monsters. With no light to draw their power from, the once-mighty beasts were naught but cold lifeless stone now.

Zorc then turned his ruby-eyed gaze down upon the human forces far below him. "You see Pharaoh, even your so-called "deities of domination" were forced to surrender when confronted with the power of the shadow realm — a world I created centuries ago. A world that is now converging with your own."As he made this declaration Zorc, who was easily twice the stature of any pyramid, slowly lumbered closer to the Winged Dragon of Ra. "For when your people fashioned the Millenium Items, you opened the doorway to the darkness."

Down below at the city gates, the armies of the Pharaoh Atem stood utterly still... as if they, too, were petrified as the Egyptian gods had been. How could they ever hope to defeat something that even their greatest protectors could not?! It was impossible!!

"Now the human world as you know it shall crumble!!!"The dark lord roared before delivering a massive punch to the fossilized Winged Dragon of Ra, easily snapping the monster's head off and leaving it to drop down to the crater below with a hard CRASH! as the earth below it trembled.

As the winged dragon's head dropped, so too did Egypt's current King; the young tri-colored haired Pharaoh groaning out painfully as he collapsed forward, his body trembling with pain. "My Pharaoh!"Cried a young brunette girl who had already been on her knees, quickly turning and jostling the Pharaoh. "Tell me you're alright! Please, Pharaoh! Get up!"She pleaded, her own limbs all shaking with terrible fear, formerly bubbly-blue eyes now bearing a dark cloud of fear within them. "It's no use... he's way too weak to fight."

Now turning his attention to the army behind him, the dragon head and neck that protruded from Zorc's abdomen roared out ferociously as the monster himself spoke. "Where is your Pharaoh now?! I'll tell you. He is cowering at the feet of the new Lord and Ruler of Egypt!"At this declaration, Zorc began stomping towards the city gates, solid red eyes full of evil intent and bloodlust. His gaze alone was enough for the soldiers below to realize their inevitable fate.

"There is nothing we can do to stop him!"

"We must surrender!"

"Yes! Then perhaps he will spare us."

"Run while you still can!"

"Before he enslaves us all!"

"Retreat! Retreat!!"

With all hope seemingly lost, the armies of the Pharaoh had lost all morale and spine to fight such a gargantuan creature of darkness, turning and fleeing into the city — forsaking all weaponry and even their beloved Pharoh and his Priests.

"Wait! Hold your ground! Submitting is not an option!!"One of the said Priests, Seto, demanded, thrusting an arm out commandingly at his men, but his words fell deaf among the terrified yelling and scrambling of the demoralized soldiers.

"It appears your soldiers disagree!"Zorc echoed with a clear devious smirk in his tone despite a lack of any form of or even illusion of expression on his hideous face, his dragon head opening its terrible maw and shooting out a blazing fireball into the city — immediately lighting a whole marketing district ablaze. "Soon, there will be nowhere to hide, mortals!!"

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