Chapter 1: Crossing Paths of Destiny

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Cover Art by ChiineArtist on DeviantArt

Modern-Day Japan, 2000

"Okay Grandpa, I'm off!"Exclaimed a young boy as he burst out the door of a quaint building labeled "Game Shop" in sharp red letters above the doorway.

"Do be careful, Yugi! With that new all-girls school, the local ruffians have been feeling bold lately!"Cried out a low-statured old man as he stepped out the door behind his grandson, holding a worn-out broom around his height.

"Sure things, Grandpa! I'll be careful!"The boy agreed, turning for a brief moment to flash his grandfather an assuring smile before continuing across the street and down the sidewalk with speed.

Eight years ago, while I was cleaning the Shop I found this incredible golden box hidden under one of the shop's counters.

My grandpa told me that it was an ancient puzzle he found in a Pharaoh's tomb back in the 1960s, the hieroglyphic writings on it said whoever solved it would have their wish granted and gain the puzzle's dark knowledge and power. No one had ever been able to solve it in all that time since it was found, the rest of his crew had also bizarrely passed away after they uncovered it.

To me, that was like a challenge to solve the mysterious puzzle, I hoped more than anything that it could grant me my wish, so I spent all of my free time after that trying to solve it... until I finally did.

Slowing down to a steady walk, Yugi adjusted how his backpack sat on his shoulders before resting a hand over the eye symbol of his treasured puzzle. It hadn't been long since he completed the puzzle, ever since though his wish had really seemed to come true! He finally had friends... friends who stuck beside him and supported him. Still though... he'd also had this weird feeling in his chest since completing his ancient treasure, it kind of... hurt? It was usually really really faint most of the time though, so he didn't tend to give it much of a second thought.

The boy hummed to himself as he moved his hand up to his chest. "Weird... it's kind of sharp today."He mumbled to himself as he rounded a corner and lightly clenched his shirt, a cool breeze blowing a cloud of fresh spring sakura blossom petals loose from the neighboring trees. "Maybe I'm just imagining things."He reasoned the strange burning feeling to be mere excitement, taking a breath to try and lessen it and calm down.

What's going on? Yugi rose a brow slightly before lifting his attention to the sidewalk ahead of him again. Naught a moment later, the sounds of shoes tapping steadily against the pavement reached his ear and the dark silhouette of another person approaching from the other end of the sidewalk could be viewed.


Soon the two were near enough to each other that Yugi could make out the figure of that other person to be a young girl perhaps around his age, wearing an odd black uniform he'd never seen before with a dark leather school bag in both hands.


Though she was making her way in his direction, it seemed she still had yet to notice him. The girl appeared spaced out, her hand clutching itself over her chest with thin brows knit with bewilderment.


As soon as she did notice him, however, the girl's oceanic-blue eyes seemed to fill with a sort of... curiosity. When they began to pass one another, another stray breeze blew her long knee-length skirt to one side, rippling the fabric and teasing her long thick black mane along its wild current.


Who's... this? The girl asked herself, bright eyes following his movements inquisitively. She'd never seen him in the neighborhood before, she was certain that she'd recognize tri-colored hair like that if she'd seen it before, who was this boy? Better yet, why did her chest hurt so much today?

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