Chapter 2: Glowing Bond

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Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh: Transcendence...



"Grandpa! We need help!"

Is someone... carrying me...?

"Open the door!!"

"Yugi, what's all of the- what on earth happened to you?!"

So loud...

"I'll try and explain later! She needs help!!"

That voice...

"Bring her inside!"

I know it...

"Hang in there, Sango, you're going to be okay!"



It's so dark... and cold... why can't I move?

Sango felt as if she were floating in an endless black void, her body still and motionless, eyes sealed shut. Why was she here...? Had she... died? Was this... the afterlife?


A woman's voice? Who's there? Sango wondered; it sounded so far off in the darkness.


There it was again! However, when she tried to center her focus on that pleading voice, a sharp sting of pain in her neck caused her to wince.


Now that voice sounded familiar... but... who was it again?

"Sango, can you hear me?"

"Don't forget..."

The voices were both running into one another now. Who was calling out to her, though? They sounded... scared. Why?


"Please, say something!"





Sango groaned painfully, her fingers twitching slightly and eyelids slowly beginning to lift. At first, she immediately wanted to close her eyes again when bright sunlight filled them — causing the teen to squint for a moment. Sango winced quietly, lifting a hand to shade her face until they began to adjust and she, at last, opened them to where she could see. Blurred vision steadily focused, her blue eyes immediately met with a pair of violet eyes gazing down at her with great concern.


Confused, Sango furrowed her dark brows.

Where am I?

At this quizzical thought, the teen's eyes wandered the room... this wasn't her house... and was she on a couch?

Then, the raven-haired girl looked back to the boy kneeled at her side. Why did he look so anxious? "You're... Yugi... right?"She murmured, still feeling very drowsy — her memories of the previous night foggy.

A wide relieved smile spread over the tri-color-haired boy's face when Sango spoke, the twist of anxiety fading from his features. "Yeah, that's me! Thank goodness you're okay! You've been unconscious since last night."He explained, noting the confused look on his new friend's face. "Oh! You're in my Grandpa's shop; I brought you here after you collapsed."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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