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[warning: mentions of suicide.]

He knew he was strange. In a small little human town like his, where everyone thought alike, he couldn't find himself to agree with them.

It was tiring hearing them say the same things: 'Non-human' this, 'Non-human' that. He couldn't understand why they were so keen on hating on them. Yes, they were different. Yes, they had once gone to war with one another. But that was the history, and where they were now was the present. A present where both sides lived amongst each other, compared to the split lands before.

So despite the hatred he got from his relatives for finding the non-humans to be interesting, he continued staying true to himself. Because that was simply who he was then. A kid who was stubborn, headstrong, and actually thought for himself rather than letting his beliefs be influenced by the toxiety of his family and the town.

But he hadn't expected the hatred and discrimination to run so deep. To the point where he'd lose his own family over having a friend; a witch who was temporarily living in their town because his parents were breaking down human-hunters near their location.

Human-hunters; beings known specifically to hunt down humans and either killing them or capturing them alive to sell them off.

The memories of his last moment with his family continued to stay fresh. Nightmares plaguing him nearly every night and suffocating him.

It had been through a fire that he lost them. His mother convinced both him and his two younger siblings they were going to a nicer place using her regular timid voice. And his father added the fire to the fuel by packing up belongings for them into the car.

All three of them had been excited, and having only one friend; Techno, he told him moments before he left. And his kind and crybaby of a friend gave him a last minute parting gift; a charm in which that would inform his friend if he was in danger - one that would end up saving him.

The place they went to was anything but nice. It had been an old shed. An old abandoned shed that looked ready to collapse any minute. And without warning, they were forcibly locked in together by their parents.

"We have to pay for our sins," his mother cried, stopping from him banging on the walls as he tried to leave; because the match in his father's hand and the gasoline around the shed had terrified him. As she delivered those words, his father had proceeded to throw the match onto the floor, all the while cradling his younger siblings in a tight hug afterward as they cried.

It had been painful. Not the burning sensation on his skin that would later be healed by Techno's father. Not the tightening of his throat as the smoke entered into his body. But the screams of his siblings, and the cries of his mother who tried so hard to make sure he would leave with them. Because in the end, it had been his fault for being different, and the rest of them were victims who didn't deserve death. He did. He deserved to be the one to die.

And as much as he wanted to go, he couldn't when Techno looked at him with such joy and relief - crying loudly as he clung onto him - the moment he woke up in the hospital.

He had later found out after being released from the hospital that Techno lost his parents around the same time as him, as his parents died during their investigation. And it made it harder for him to wish for death. Because he simply couldn't leave behind Techno who had no one else as well.

The two of them were abandoned children of the world. The least he could do was stay true to himself and continue to support his one and only friend - a witch; the ones blessed with more gentle mannered magic compared to wizards who had more violent and tempered magic.

Yes, Type needed to survive. Not just for himself, but for Techno.

[a.n: Hi :) who's ready for this? ]

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