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"Hey," Tharn greeted, giving a nervous smile. He sat across from his boyfriend who gave him a curious gaze. Was he nervous about the whole situation? Of course. Was he somewhat sad and guilt ridden? Most definitely. But It had to be done.

He needed to talk things out and most likely...end things. He couldn't continue stringing himself and his boyfriend along on this relationship of theirs while he was falling, hard, for his true mate - a mate in which he barely knows anything about. But damn does he want to know all about his likes, his dislikes, his past, and so much more.

Tharn knows very well at this point he wants to see Type smile and laugh. He wants to see Type first thing in the morning, and to shower him with love. But he also knows he doesn't want to see his boyfriend sad and heartbroken.

He wiped his sweaty palms against his dress pants, taking in the setting he had prepared. It was the perfect imitation of their first date with one another with; The same restaurant, the same table, the same food, and of course - the same boy.

As though he knew what was going to be spoken about, his boyfriend raised his hand in a stopping motion. "I know," he breathed out. "I had a feeling this was going to happen sooner or later."

He scrunched his brows, "Tar-"

"-Let me go first, P'Tharn," Tar insisted, bringing his hand down. "You found your true mate, didn't you?"

"Yeah," Tharn admitted, taking in a closer look at his boyfriend's expression to try and understand what he was thinking. Usually he was easy to read, but for the first time, Tharn didn't know what was going on through his head.

Tar pursed his lips, "I had a feeling for a couple of months now. And I guess I just wanted to deny it was the truth because we've been together for so long. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it would be better if...if I stopped running away from reality. I love you, P'Tharn, but I know that the day I meet my mate, I'll love them more... Just as you've begun to love yours. So let's not feel guilty about breaking up, and remain good friends."

Tar smiled softly, going into a daze as he thought about his own true mate. He wondered what they would be like.

Perhaps his mate was an alpha like Tharn, perhaps it was a gentle omega such as himself. Perhaps they would share the same taste in music and hobbies - because Tharn certainly didn't.

But either way, he knew he was more than capable of loving them. After all, Tharn managed to pull it off despite how long their relationship was and how intimate they had been up until this point.


Tharn looked at Tar in surprise. It wasn't often he saw such a mature side coming from the usually spoiled and clingy werewolf. A fond smile grew on his face, "You know, I only wanted us to talk it through, not necessarily break it up right away. But it seems you already knew where my final choice would end up before me."

Tar shrugged, giving a cheeky grin,"We've been together for this long, P'Tharn. Of course I would know you to this degree. But tell me, is your mate going to give you another chance?"

Tharn raised his brows at the question before understanding that Tar had misunderstood and assumed his mate was also a werewolf. He chuckled and shook his head, "My mate is a human, Tar. Not a werewolf."

He blinked in surprise, before crossing his arm and raising his brow, "I'd say you're lucky he doesn't know you're mates. Winning him would've been hell considering how we remained dating after you found him and all. But at the same time, he's a human, and they aren't necessarily...fond of us."

"Actually, it seems like he doesn't care about such a thing judging by the fact that his closest friend is a witch. My only concern would be how to approach him since...he's a student at the university."

Tar's jaw dropped before he let out a laugh. His reaction made Tharn flush as he rubbed the back of his neck and waited for his (now) ex-boyfriend to stop his laughing. Wiping away his tears, Tar let out a cheeky grin, "Good luck to you. You'll need it."

"Ow, that doesn't sound very encouraging," Tharn frowned. Tar shrugged, smirking, "You broke my heart today so this is the most I can say to you."

Tharn rolled his eyes at how dramatic he was being, and shook his head, "Correction, you technically broke up with me first."

His reply earned him another heartfelt laughter as the two proceeded their last date with another.

"...We're back!" Techno cheered happily, jumping around. Type shook his head, chuckling at his friend's antics. They sat down on the chairs in the corner of the room, both breathing in the scent of herbs as they fell into a peaceful silence.

Techno leaned slightly further back, and looked up the bare ceiling,"Type."


"It's almost time," Techno said, a sad smile on his face. He turned his head to observe Type's expression at this statement. Sure enough, Type had on a serious and solemn look, his eyes haunted by grief. "I know," he muttered.

They both fell into silence once more before proceeding to get up and finish the last of the orders they received. Despite it being the dead of the night and how completely drained both were, they couldn't afford setting the potion making for later.

It was strenuous working with just the two of them. They had to do everything from scratch; from finding the ingredients, to making the potions, packaging them, and eventually delivering the products. But they needed the money.

Money in which helps them pay off their bills and their tuition. Money that was their only source of income before they can finally graduate, and land themselves jobs that were higher pay and more stable.

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