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Tharn laughed, making Type grin. Unknown to the both of them, they each tried not to let the way their shoulders were meeting get to them.

Type's scent made Tharn all the more desperate for touches as he pulled himself even closer - to the point where he was so utterly close to bringing his arm up and pulling the younger boy into a hug.

At this point, making the deal with Kengkla was more than worth it. He managed to learn so much about his mate.

For example, he noticed the way Type would raise his eyebrows as a way of expressing several different emotions. And while he would appear highly intimidating, a single smile from him was enough to melt anyone at how adorable he actually was.

He could only frown in disappointment when the bus came to a stop and they arrived. It felt as though they had only been on the bus for a couple of minutes, when in reality, several hours had already passed.

Standing up, he continued his duty as the professor and supervisor for the trip; explaining once again the details of the trip and what was expected of the students.

Type quietly looked up at the stars. He looked over and found Techno happily chatting with Kengkla, who took notice of his mate's hair getting in the way and reached out to brush it.

He merely shook his head, chuckling quietly as he looked back up at the stars. The day had gone by far quicker than he expected. And he hated to admit it, but he did enjoy the difference in terms of his usual schedule.

It felt nice and soothing to be out in the countryside, away from his busy life. While he did get somewhat lonely when he saw Techno with his mate, he didn't mind the time he managed to get for himself as he quietly finished his tasks by himself. It was the first time he's felt so stress free in a while.

Tharn had also tried to talk to him several times when he was working alone, but was usually pulled away by the other students due to his popularity amongst them.

The thought made him smile as he recalled the conflicted expression on the professor's face whenever he got pulled away.

Really, Tharn was far too kind for his own good sometimes with his inability to say no. And while it warmed his heart that Tharn kept trying to talk to him, Type knew the professor merely wanted to make sure he wasn't traumatized from the attack he experienced. It was quite clear from the constant worried stare he would receive from him.


He looked to his side and found a rather tired looking Tharn peering at him, his hands tucked into his pockets. He raised his brow and smiled, offering a nod. "Hey."

Tharn wasn't impressed. He attempted to spend time with his mate several times after they arrived, but the other students kept on calling for him. And it ticked him off seeing as they didn't bother to try and speak to Kengkla - who bluntly showed off his quality time with his mate to Tharn whenever their eyes met.

He didn't agree to the deal so Kengkla would be the only one to spend time with his mate. He wanted to be selfish and be around his mate, too. Most of the day consisted of him always peering over to make sure his mate was okay seeing as he was alone for most of the activities.

"How are you enjoying the trip so far?" He asked. He tensed up when his hearing picked up on students talking to one another, asking about his whereabouts. He couldn't understand why they had to choose such a time to haunt him down so often.

Quickly, he grabbed Type's wrist, surprising the boy, and dragged him further away from the crowd. They stopped in an isolated location with Type looking at him in wonder.

Tharn let out a sigh of relief when he couldn't pick up on voices near them. He peered down, finding his gloves hands holding tightly onto Type's wrist.

He quickly pulled away, blushing. "Sorry," he apologized sheepishly. Type merely chuckled, "No worries. Why did you drag me here, though?"

He sputtered at his mate's unexpected question. "I just...wanted to spend some time alone with you," he admitted. A sense of accomplishment rippled through him when he saw Type gape at him, a slight blush making way into his cheeks and making him look all the more cuter.

Type's heart started to beat rapidly at the older man's words. He bit down on his lips, trying to remind himself not to think too much about Tharn's words. "Oh," he replied dumbly.

Tharn smiled at his reply and reached out, patting his head. As much as he wanted to take off his gloves, he was a coward who was not yet confident enough to reveal the truth to Type.

The trees rustled from the touch of the wind, creating a tranquil atmosphere between them. Tharn couldn't help trailing his hand down and cupping Type's cheek. His actions caused Type's mind to go haywire with questions and panic.

They drew close to one another, only for the two to stop midway and pull away after a couple of seconds. Because Tharn knew better than to force himself onto his mate who was also his student.

And Type knew better than to let the atmosphere trick him into thinking he had a chance with such a talented and beloved person like Tharn who - he has to constantly remind himself - has a boyfriend.

The two looked into each other's eyes, pushing back their deepest desires.

Type eventually looked away and up at the sky, his breath getting caught when he saw a couple of shooting stars. A fond smile made way onto his face, and Tharn couldn't help looking at him, not bothering to check the night view himself. Because to him, his mate was the most beautiful sight to be captured.

Noticing the goosebumps on Type's arm, he took off his jacket and placed it on the younger boy before he started to get cold. "I don't want you catching a cold," he stated, a small smile on his face.

Type returned a smile, "Thank you."


I found my mate, Phi


Does mom or dad know?

What about Tar?

Tar and I have broken up for a while now
And mom and dad don't know yet
I just needed some advice

What's up?

Can we meet up in person and talk about it instead?


Let's meet when I'm back from this trip

Sounds good 555
I'll see you at your apartment since Thanya probably won't let you go if you come back to the family house

555 alright
Later then :)


[a/n: for the ones who remembers the plot for soulmates, who do you think is Boss mate? He won't be mentioned for a while but I wanted to see if anyone had a guess :) ]

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