A Surprise

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There was a disturbance in the Force

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There was a disturbance in the Force.

It felt like a cry for help, it felt like a desperate clawing at a life that is fading. But one thing that Anakin Skywalker knew was that he heard his name being called for.

It happened in the dark moments of the night, the stars laid out around the cruise ship he commanded, somewhere near the Outer Rim. He had just managed to fall asleep, but the voice still rang in his ears.


He had stirred awake, his eyes staring into the darkness of his small cabin, and he sat upwards, the blanket he had over his torso falling into his lap. He was confused, but he knew, he knew, he had heard the voice, felt it in his soul. He had tried to meditate to reconnect with that voice, that feeling, but he couldn't find it again.

He was scheduled to meet up with Obi-Wan the following day to continue on a joint mission to an Outer Rim planet that the Separatists were attempting to invade. There was a large colony, an ally of the Republic, that was facing imminent attack by the droid army, and Obi-Wan and he were being sent to protect the people, along with the 501st squadron.

Obi-Wan stood alongside Anakin as they were being briefed on the mission at hand, but all Anakin could think about was speaking with his master about what he had felt, and if maybe he felt it too. He wasn't paying much attention as Captain Rex went over the information they had on the colony, the man who was their elected ruler, the terrain, everything Rex had said went in one ear and out the other. Not that Anakin would ever admit that to anyone.

Finally, Obi-Wan motioned for his padawan to follow him to their ships to leave for the planet below. Anakin's strides matched his, and Obi-Wan was the first to speak.

"Is something troubling you?"

Anakin shook his head, "I was hoping to speak with you about something I had felt last night, there was a disturbance in the Force, I felt.. Like something, or someone, was calling for help."

"Yes," Obi-Wan replied, "I felt it too."

"I had never felt something that strong," Anakin continued, "it felt.. close. And I could've sworn I heard my name as well."

"Hm," Obi-Wan paused, as the two men waited for a lift to arrive, he stroked his beard, "I can't say I felt that presence."

The turbo lift had arrived and opened for them to enter. When they did it proceeded to close, and whisk them towards their ship bay.

"But I know it," Anakin said, "someone called for me."

The lift opened, and Anakin took a step out, and Obi-Wan followed, "You may be right, but Anakin," he paused and Anakin looked behind him at his Master, who held a stern gaze, "please be alert on this mission, I fear we are closer to the source than anticipated."

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