A Battle on Coruscant

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The Clone Wars seemed to be at its peak

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The Clone Wars seemed to be at its peak. Several weeks had passed since your rescue from Dooku's flagship, and your training with the Jedi was put on hold since both Obi-Wan and Anakin were put back into action. Anakin was hailed as one of the greatest generals of the Grand Army of the Republic, whether that was something to be proud of or disheartened by, you were never too sure. Over these last few weeks you grew more and more uncertain with the things you say. Not only from the Council, but the Senate as well.

Be weary of who you trust.

The warning you were given what seemed like a millennium ago kept passing through your mind at the strangest of times. It could be when you were mediating, standing in on a briefing, or as Anakin's fingers grazed across your skin. It was sudden and unyielding, but you didn't want to worry him with such things.

Anakin Skywalker. After the night the two of you had it was as if you were inseparable, only being pulled away from one another if he was sent out on a mission, or if you were. How you came to lead a battalion under the 501st legion was still beyond you (you figured it was desperation from the Council), but it did occasionally happen. Mostly you were kept on world under the watchful eye of Master Windu, and served as a kind of protection team for the Chancellor. If not him, Obi-wan was the one you answered to the most.

This time was no different. A few days ago Obi-Wan and Anakin were sent to the outer territories to Yerbana because of the large Separatists hold on the planet. You were stationed here with Master Corobb to protect the Chancellor once again. You found yourself looking out the window of your apartment watching the air traffic speed by. You closed your eyes as your mind drifted the one person you wished was here the most. That's when you felt a warmth spread over your cheek, as if he were there with you right now.

Your connection with Anakin was stronger than ever. It was only amplified the more time you spent in your shared quarters (though no one would ever know he too spent his nights here under your sheets). He was thinking of you too, and you wished there was enough time to contact him before your captain arrived. Just at the thought of it your door chimed to signal his arrival, and you gently placed a hand over your cheek, knowing he would feel your hand over his.

You turned to your door and grabbed your robe from the chair before the door could open to reveal none other than Fives himself. He held his helmet to the side of his hip and gave you a nod as you stepped beside him, and you proceeded to walk side by side the Clone trooper.

"So captain," you greeted, which earned a grumble from your side. "How are the men doing?"

"They're itching to get off this planet," he replied and you smiled. "We got word that the siege of Yerbana was a success."

"That's great," you said, relief filling your heart. "Once the rest of the legion returns, I'm sure they'll see action again."

"That's what they're hoping for," Fives said as you both neared the transport to the Senate building.

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