A New Friend

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👆this is what Alex wore on her first day of school!!

Alexandria's POV

I sigh as I stare at the desk almost dying of boredom. Since I was suck in detention I didn't really have anything to do.

"You may leave but this is a warning, next time you'll be sent to the principles office" old man says with a bored tone eating his donut.

"Whatever" I mumble grabbing my bag and walking out of the room. I walked down the hall way until I found the cafeteria. It was packed! I sigh as I feel a soft tug on my bag, it was Ruby. She looks down blushing.

"I-I just wanted t-to thank y-you" Ruby says blushing more. She was thanking me for standing up to the teacher and taking the detention.

"No problem cutie" I say smirking as she blushes again at the name.

"U-umm w-w-would you like t-to sit with m-me for lunch?" She asks fiddling with the hem of her over sized sweater.

I smile nodding as she gives me a soft smile back. Ruby awkwardly turns and starts to walk to a table with another girl who looked nerdy.

"Hey Grace" Ruby says smiling sweetly to this girl.

"Hey Ruby" the girl says. I smile awkwardly at her when she looks at me and frowns.

"Who the heck are you?" She asks giving me a dirty look. Ok I just got here and you already hate me.

"Grace! That's rude! This is Alexandria, she is new and will be sitting with us" Ruby says frowning.

"Nice to meet you" this Grace chick says sarcastically.

This is going to be hell.

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