Chapter 6

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Rapunzel couldn't muster up any words and was in shock. She watched as the figure looked and studied her drawing.
She watched as he was about to fold it up, "No, not my sun!" She shouted without realizing. The figure jumped and turned around, his face was covered by the shadows in the room.
"You're son?" He asked, "You're a mom?" He kept making assumptions which just led him to more confusion. "Does this mean Pitch is actually my grandpa? And was I just attracted to my mom?" He wondered, disgusted.
"No, just, please put it down. That is my sunshine. Please." Jack narrowed his eyebrows he couldn't understand what she was saying.
"I, I'm just going to assume you've been here for a while. You probably heard me talk about that book. I know it may sound crazy, but I like to imagine myself as the moon and he is the sun who sacrifices himself for me." She suffered. Her sun was her source of comfort. And she just wanted the picture she worked so hard on to be put down.
"You, as the moon? Does anything about you scream dark and night time?" Jack remarked in confusion.
Rapunzel put her head down, she was suddenly more aware of her "grotesque" appearance now than she was a few minutes ago. "God, I must be scaring him. This mortal has probably never seen such a hideous monster." She said quietly but out loud unintentionally.
Jack squinted, he heard what she said and after thinking about how she looked smiling he wondered what she thought she looked like. And how Pitch treated her.
"What? You're not--" he stopped. "Where have you seen this guy before?" He asked.
Rapunzel let out a sigh, "I haven't. He's just some random mortal I read about from a book so I drew him how I imagined him." She shook her head, "I don't know how you got in here mortal, but I promise I mean you no harm. Please, just leave before father comes home. He- he doesn't like mortals. Don't hurt me."
Jack just kept getting more and more curious about this strange girl.
"Has anyone ever been in here." Jack asked.
Rapunzel shook her head.
Though she couldn't see it, Jack grinned. He used the end of his staff to wrap around her waist and drag her closer to him, "So, it's only ever been you and your dad?" He asked.
"Please don't hurt me." Rapunzel whispered looking down. There was no point in even trying to look at the mortals face.
Jack laughed and put his mouth right by her ear, "I promise, I won't harm you." He whispered. His hot breath sending chills throughout Rapunzel's body. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she did not enjoy it.
But since she had clarification and he wasn't going to harm her. She immediately punched him in the jaw, knocking him out.
She let out a breath she's been holding, "Oh no, what have I done?" She asked. Even though the end of the staff was still wrapped around her waist he was still gripping to it tightly despite being knocked out.
"Oh no, white hair, cane. Pascal I knocked out an old man!" She screamed horrified.
Pascal shrugged.
Rapunzel started freaking out, "It's not like I can tell dad about him. What if he tries to kill the old man to defend us?"
She grabbed hold of the cane, "Okay, okay. I have a plan, we can hide him and take away his cane thing so he can't walk away when dad gets here. And the next time dad leaves we can send the old guy out." She said fiddling with the cane. She got out of the circular end that was wrapped around her waist and bent down near Jack.
"What a weird cane." She stated grabbing the area Jack's hands were holding. "Strange, for an old man I thought he would have wrinkles, but maybe that's just a fictional story thing." She said removing one finger from the cane. "Wow, he sure is determined to hold this." she continued, studying his fingers. After she got the cane out of his grasp she looked at it. "I wonder how he walks with this. It doesn't look like it was made to support much weight."
She pointed it at Pascal, "But I guess it's kind of fun to hold, sort of threatening in a way." Pascal put his hands up. Rapunzel smiled at him and moved the stick away, "I kind of like it, I see why he uses it." She said stroking the staff.
She put the weapon down by her side, "Okay, where do you think we should hide him?" She asked the chameleon.
Pascal looked around the room and pointed at her closet.
"That's perfect! Thank you." She said leading Pascal to give a smile of accomplishment.
Not once did she turn on the lights, the less she knew about this guy, the better. She opened the doors to the closet and let out a breath. She rubbed her hands together, "Now for the hard part." She grabbed his arm and dragged him across the floor, if it were possible she would have put him in there without touching him anymore than she already has. She studied his body to see what area she could grab onto to make it easier to throw him in the closet.
"I could always drag his head in there and flip him over. Lock him in upside down." She joked. She put her had on her chin, "I could try his waist?" She suggested. Pascal shrugged.
She grabbed his waist with both arms and tried to lift him up. He wore such baggy clothing she didn't expect him to be so skinny.
But even though his waist was tiny that doesn't mean he wasn't heavy. Rapunzel struggled when trying to lift him up and the best she could do was sit him up straight.
Her next attempt was to carry him "bridal style". She put one arm under his kneecaps and the other was used to support his back. She was able to lift him but she was still having a hard time doing so. As soon as she got to an okay height she quickly put him in and shut the door.
Rapunzel used her body to close the door shut. She shook her head, "This just feels so surreal. Everything is happening so fast." She began breathing heavily, "How do I know I'm not dreaming?" She asked Pascal. He couldn't give her an answer.
"Do you see anything I could hold the door shut with?"
Pascal pointed at the staff, "I can't use his cane, what if Father sees it?" She added. Pascal nodded in agreement and shrugged.
Her eyes lit up, she had an idea to tie the door shut with the string from her corset. The string was only decoration so she didn't mind sparring it. And it would also be hard to see, her father was quietly observant. She let out a sigh of relief, "I guess I can hide the staff under the bed," she suggested, "after I finish playing around with it." She whispered to Pascal despite being the only ones there. "Hehe" she let out a laugh before grabbing the staff.

Pitch was at the entrance of the hole, he normally headed straight in but he seen something. Two foot imprints, no shoes, facing toward the hole. It was the only footprints there. That means the person is barefoot and can fly. His eyes grew wide when he realized there is only one person he knows to fit that description:
Jack Frost.

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