Chp. 9 Swimming Lessons

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  • Dedicated to The hobos who almost fought in front of us in Vegas.

"What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find? That you can swim? Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!" - Alfred Adler

Chapter Nine

"Ready?" Fred asks excitedly from the bank of the pond, his toes squishing in the damp sand and cool water. He and George are dressed in their trunks with a little help from their wands, their other clothes hanging from a nearby limb. I watch from where I am safely on the ground, clinging to a firm birch tree.

"No" I growl. He rolls his eyes and exchanges glances with George. They approach me and I grip the tree tightly.

"Look! It's a Crumple-Horned Snorkack!" I yell, scrambling up the tree as fast as I can while they turn.

"You're acting like a Slytherin!" George complains. I look down from my seat on the highest branch and scrunch my toes at him.

"I love the colour green!"

"Isn't your title the 'Gryffindor Lioness'?" Fred questions doubtfully. I scowl at the blow to my pride but withhold. I shall not falter!

"Of course I am. And cats don't swim."

"Always do what you are afraid to do." George yells at me.

"I'm good, thanks."

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing!" Fred quotes at me. I groan, knowing they will never stop.



"I hate you all." I mutter as my feet dip beneath the water. They watch me expectantly, urging me on with confident grins. Bloody sirens...

"Jacky come on! It's nice and cool." George entices. I sniff doubtfully and move an inch forward, frowning as more water encased my ankles. Fred shakes his head.

"Here's the deal. You get to your waist in ten seconds or I'm taking off my shorts." I stare at him in horror while George slaps his hands over his eyes.


"You're not serious."


"This is completely ridiculous!"


"This is sexual harassment!"


"George, stop him!"


"Diving under the water isn't going to help me, you twit!"




"If I see anything, I'm cursing it off!" I threaten. He raises a ginger brow at me.

"3" He grips the edges of his shorts.

"Fred, it's cold!"

"2" He waggles his eyebrows. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"1" I duck completely under the water, stiffening instantly as the water surrounds me. Its fine, Jacky. Just breathe and relax. Everything is going to be okay, just breathe-Wait! Don't breathe! Don't breathe!

Too late; I inhaled a lovely gulp of pond water.

My head broke the surface as I hacked and coughed out the water, Fred thumping my back and George hovered around us, giggling like a girl.

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