Chapter six

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Anya had been sick multiple times in her life, as most people are. Bugs, colds, etc. But one of the worst times was at the age of 21, when she needed her appendix removing. It had been 2 days of progressive pain and fatigue, which she chose to ignore since she was so busy with school and art. Daniel had tried to convince her to go to the hospital, but Anya being Anya said she'd only go to the doctor if it continued. Of course that plan didn't work out so well, and Daniel ended up having to drive her to hospital in the middle of the night after the pain became unbearable.

They waited for about 10 hours before surgery, and he never left her side.

He took amazing care of her and Anya couldn't have asked for a better man in that situation. Throughout the whole recovery process he was right there. Not once did she wonder where he went, because he was the best.

But like all things, it was temporary.

"So when's your next date with Lucas gonna be?"

"I don't know, after the whole kiss thing I'm not sure there can be much recovery."

"What are you talking about? Have you completely forgotten the whole pain barrier thing? Don't you remember what happened with you and Daniel? You two were awkward with each other to start."

"Well the pain barrier there was broken by you getting drunk in the middle of our second date."

"Yeah ok, but I can't keep being the only thing you have to talk about with guys!"

Pain barrier. That seriously brought her back to another time.

"It's just like the doctor said, get past the pain barrier and then you can continue with your regular stuff."

"Yeah, I just hate sitting around like this. I have so much to do."

"Hey, I called Amanda and she understands completely. And you can continue notes for your project from the couch right?"

"I suppose so. Can't I just down some pills and go to class?"

They both laughed, Daniel sat next to Anya with his arm around her.

"It'll pass soon. I promise."

Lina was right, getting through the awkwardness was the only way around it, and the only way towards what could be a good relationship if she dared to dream of it. But Anya really wasn't sure that was what she wanted.

As shown with the whole kiss thing, she could tell Lucas was definitely into her. But now, with her mind crowded with fear, the feeling was no longer completely mutual. It had been so much simpler with Dan, he was her first serious boyfriend, and at the beginning it was simple. Her trust wasn't broken or stained at that point and all they had to do was like one-another. From this mutual liking, came the care that followed, and it gave off an almost 'meant to be' feeling. Which she just couldn't see happening with Lucas.

But before she had time to decide what she wanted to do, there was a knock at the door.

"Lina would you get that? I think it's the pizza I ordered."

"Sure thing."

Lina approached the blue door, leaving Anya on the couch writing in her butterfly notepad.

"Oh, Lucas!" She said through slightly gritted teeth, and loud enough for Anya to hear. Anya jumped from the couch and began mouthing and signing for Lina to tell Lucas she wasn't in.

"Hey Lina! So... Is Anya in?"

She paused for a few seconds to decide what she should say, while Anya shook her head violently.

"She... Is." Anya shot her a look that read 'what the hell Lina?' and threw her hands up in the air. "She's in... But... She's in the shower. Yeah, she actually just got in so..."

It was situations like this where Anya wished her best friend was a better actress. She showed up behind Lina and decided to face Lucas herself. She wasn't much of a liar, lies tend to spiral, she learnt that from Daniel.

"Hey Lucas, sorry I don't know why Lina told you that. What's up?"

"Um ok, well could we have a second outside? To talk, alone?"

Anya looked at Lina and she went back inside, closing the door behind her.

"So I noticed how you kind of took off on our date, when I tried to kiss you."

There was an awkward pause.

"Yeah... Sorry about that..."

"It's ok! I did it kind of unexpectedly, it's understandable."

"Ok! thanks for understanding."

This pause was even more awkward when accompanied by Anya's forced laughter.

"So, basically I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out again, since we've kind of got past the awkward pain barrier you know?"


Lucas couldn't be more wrong, but she tried her best to act like he was right.

"Sure, that would be great, I'm just like really busy you know? So it'll be a bit hard to pin down a date... We'll have to text about it..."

"Yeah that's cool."

God this conversation couldn't get any worse.

"Ok, guess I'll see you soon..." He said, reaching out a hand to shake.

Anya realized that it just got worse, and she was most definitely not going to shake his hand.

"Um I gotta go, but thanks. Bye." Anya said smiling, while backing inside and closing the door behind her.

When Anya turned around Lina was stood stifling laughter with her arms crossed.

"Ann you look green."

"Honestly Lina I feel green."

"You really don't like him do you?" Lina says with a smirk, sitting on the couch next to Anya, and playing with her hair.

"I like him! But I'm sorry Lina, it just isn't gonna work out."

"You're ending things with him not me silly, it's ok! The good thing is that you tried."

"Yeah I suppose so."

"The fun part now is telling him."

"Oh yeah that's gonna go down really well." Anya laughed, burying her head in her hands.

And she thought that was the end of it, no more dates with Lucas. It was a relieving thought. He was hot, and cute, but the way his nerves choked him up around Anya made things far too awkward, leaving Anya feeling sick with nerves herself. It was a messy feeling, too much effort to process.

Meanwhile, Lina was feeling sick for an entirely different reason.

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