1. Busted

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"I'm going to get another drink. Do you want one, Olivia?" my friend Kate asked. I glanced down at the half-empty drink in my hand and nodded. Kate quickly disappeared into the crowd towards the bar.

A few hours ago, I wasn't really in the mood to go out tonight, but Kate always had a way of convincing me to join her at our favorite bar. Well, it was the only bar we were allowed into with our fake IDs. Kate's cousin was the bouncer and made a habit of looking past our poorly made IDs. 

She had convinced me with the idea that since summer was ending and school started back next week, we wouldn't be able to go out as much and had to take advantage of tonight, but I quickly learned that Kate wanted to come tonight to meet up with some guy she had been texting with for a few weeks.

I finished my vodka soda and placed it on an empty table nearby, watching the live band take the stage. Everyone cheered when the fog machine and lights started flashing as the band started playing. 

I usually didn't mind tagging along on Kate's dates in case they didn't work out. I had already had a few drinks tonight and was enjoying the bar scene and drunk people around me.

I got distracted by a fighting couple a few feet away, but turned when I thought I heard Kate coming back with my drink. She placed a new drink in my hand and started talking to me. I assumed about the guy she wanted to meet up with tonight, but I couldn't hear her over the music. 

I made a motion to let her know that I couldn't hear her and she leaned towards me, "He said he brought a friend!" she practically yelled in my ear and backed away a few inches so I could see her wiggle her eyebrows at me. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully. Kate's dates had brought friends along in the past, but nothing ever came of it. Most of them were too arrogant for my liking. There were a few nice guys that I had some good conversations with, although I never let it go further than a conversation. 

I took a long sip of my drink and watched Kate busily texting on her phone. I sighed and adjusted my black low-cut top, glancing around the bar. The fighting couple had left, I must have missed whether they resolved everything or left in tears. 

Kate and I had been coming here quite a bit in the last few months, it was only a few blocks away from my parent's apartment and a quick metro to Kate's house.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I reached into my tight jeans to see who it was, only to find a group chat blowing up. I scrolled through all the conversations that I had missed, apparently everyone was wondering what everyone else was doing tonight and had made plans to meet Kate and I at the bar for drinks. Kate was always quicker to reply in the chats than I was.

I was still reading through the endless conversation when I felt a firm hand clap onto my shoulder. I jumped in surprised and spun around, only to find myself face-to-face with a cop. 

He towered over me and his uniform had me cowering in my boots. Shit.

"Can I see some identification, ladies?" he asked us. My hands were shaking as I pulled out my wallet and handed the officer my fake ID, trying to look the five years older that my ID said I was.

I held my breath as he looked over our IDs and watched his face change from a serious expression to a smirk. He put both IDs in his pocket and looked back at us, "Okay, ladies. Come with me."

I gave Kate a panicked look, to which she quickly reciprocated. I noticed a few other police officers walking around the bar as we followed the cop towards the door.

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