24. It's not my birthday

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Even days after I kissed Ryan, I was still reeling. The rest of the week went by like a daydream.

I still couldn't believe that Ryan officially asked me out. Although, we hadn't been on an official date yet, mostly because we both had so many projects and tests due by the end of this week. We had plans to go out on Sunday, since he was busy visiting his grandparents on Friday night and I had a family dinner scheduled for Saturday.

I was bummed about not being able to hang out with Ryan on Friday or Saturday, but had been texting him a lot and couldn't keep a smile off of my face.

Ryan didn't tell me many details about our date on Sunday, but I was still really excited. I had butterflies in my stomach every time I saw him and couldn't stop thinking about kissing him.

Michelle and Sarah freaked out when I told them about Ryan and I. I guess they had known that Matt told most of the school that I was off limits, but they also assumed that I knew that.

I had forgiven Matt and I think he was coming to terms with me and Ryan being together, not that we had been around together since our big dispute.

I woke up on Saturday morning with lots of energy. I slipped into my workout clothes and was planning to go on a run when I heard my mom call my name from downstairs. I grabbed my phone and jogged downstairs, stopping in my tracks when I saw a group of people gathered at the bottom of the stairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" rang out from the bottom of the staircase, making me jump in surprise.

I glanced behind me expecting to see my brother, instantly worried that I had forgotten Matt's birthday, but nobody was behind me. I turned back to the crowd in the living room, spotting Michelle, Ryan and my parents smiling up at me, amidst some of my classmates and friends.

I was completely confused as I slowly walked down the last few steps. Why were they wishing me happy birthday when my birthday was still months away?

My parents weaved through the crowd until they were standing in front of me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Surprise!" Alice exclaimed, squeezing me tighter.

I was about to ask what was going on, when I saw Matt, Michelle, Sarah and Ryan appear behind them.

"Happy birthday!" Michelle reiterated, hugging me as well.

I finally had to pull away and ask, before anyone else grabbed me again, "Wait- wait! It's not my birthday."

Michelle gave me a confused look and turned to my parents, who also looked surprised.

"Uh, what did you say, sweetheart?" my mom voiced.

"I'm sorry, but today isn't my birthday," I told her and she gave me a small smile. I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling even more confused.

"It is, Olivia,. Today is your real birthday. I didn't realize you celebrated a different day..." she said. It took a second for her words to sink in. I wonder if I had been instead celebrating the day that I was kidnapped, but I didn't want to ask right now and ruin the celebratory mood. 

So today was my real birthday? I had no idea.

"I guess that's why you didn't seem to suspect anything!" Alice added, probably trying to lighten the mood.

I chuckled at how right she was, finally realizing why she was so insistent on having a family dinner tonight.

I walked around the room, saying hello to friends that I recognized from school until I found my way to the kitchen, where there was a waffle bar, pancakes, quiches, bacon, and what seemed like endless breakfast foods. 

I piled a waffle with strawberries and whipped cream and grabbed a mixed juice cocktail as I continued to make my way around the room.

I was still really surprised that this party was all for me, but Alice had explained that she really wanted it to be a surprise and thought that if I was suspicious, I would never think of a brunch party, which was true. I didn't mind though, I was a morning person and loved breakfast foods, so I couldn't complain.

I felt like I had talked to almost everyone here, including all my friends, my grandparents, Jane and just about the entire soccer and basketball teams, who were probably more here to hang out with Matt, but I didn't mind.

I finally spotted Ryan talking to Andrew across the room. Even from afar I could tell that he was subtly looking past Andrew and around the room, probably trying to find me too. 

I snuck up behind him and tapped his shoulder, making him spin around; I loved how his face lit up when he saw me

"Hey birthday girl! How're you liking the party? Surprised?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it's fun to see everyone and I was definitely surprised, since I didn't even know it was my birthday! Can't you tell since I'm still in my running clothes?" I said.

"Wait, you really didn't know? Everyone's been trying so hard to keep it a secret and you didn't even know!" he laughed.

"I guess I should have known it was my birthday, it's probably on my license, but I never looked that closely..." I said, half-scoffing and half-laughing at my own ignorance.

"Anyways... Did you want to go somewhere a little more, uh, private?" he asked, leaning forward and lowering his voice the slightest bit.

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded, trying not to look too excited as I stealthily followed him upstairs to my room.

He closed my bedroom door and stepped closer to me with a huge grin on his face.

His voice was lower and more serious when he said, "Happy birthday, Liv," and leaned in closer until our lips met.

The moment our lips touched, it was like fireworks went off in my body all over again. I stepped closer to him until our chests were touching. I heard Ryan moan quietly, but pull away.

"I, uh, got you something," he said in a husky voice, moving one hand from around my waist and reaching into his pocket.

"Really?" I breathed, finally tearing my eyes from him to see what he was holding.

I reached out and took the small box from him. It was carefully wrapped with a small uneven bow tied to the top.

I could see Ryan fidgeting out of the corner of my eye and smiled to myself as I slid my fingers under the tape and opened the small white box. Inside, there was a simple silver necklace with a small heart at the end.

"Wow, this is beautiful. Thank you, Ryan," I said, looking from the necklace up to Ryan.

"You like it?" he asked.

"Yes, I do! Thank you," I said again, leaning up to place a light kiss on his cheek and asked, "Can you help me put it on?"

He nodded and I gently handed him the necklace, moving my hair out of the way and turning around so he could clasp it around my neck.

I felt his hands linger on my neck before slowly moving around my waist and hugging me from behind. I turned around in his arms and reached up to kiss him again.

I finally had to pull away and groaned as I did, "We should probably get back to the party."

He groaned too, but nodded. He took my hand and led me back downstairs to where our friends and family were waiting. 

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