3. Essentials

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I woke up the next morning and was instantly confused about where I was. My eyes flew open as the events from yesterday came crashing back to me. I sighed and slumped back into my new bed, pulling the comforter over my head. I couldn't believe that yesterday wasn't a dream. 

I laid like that for a few minutes before grabbing my phone. I couldn't change what happened so I might as well be productive. 

I opened my to-do list and started thinking about everything that I needed to get done now that I had a new home, new family and a new life.

When I was content with my list, I hopped out of bed and stood in front of my nearly empty closet. I groaned to myself as I chose between a handful of shirts. 

I decided on a plain white blouse, with light blue jeans and applied some light makeup, thankful that I had even a few of my things here. 

I was just about to go downstairs, when I peaked out my bedroom window into the backyard. I realized that I hadn't gotten a look at the backyard yesterday since it was dark outside, but was surprised to see a large yard with a big swimming pool.

I walked downstairs and followed my nose to the kitchen where I could smell bacon cooking. I stepped in the kitchen to find Alice pouring coffee and Corey flipping pancakes.

"Good morning. It smells great in here," I said, catching them off guard. 

"Ah, Olivia you're up! Would you like some coffee?" Alice asked. 

I nodded and she added, "Are you usually an early riser?"

I took a seat at the kitchen island with my cup of steaming coffee, "Yeah, I tend to get up early."

"Well that's good because we figured that we'd get out a little today, show you around town and get you acquainted," Corey said. 

I shifted on the barstool, I didn't anticipate them already having plans for today. "That sounds great. I just have a few chores that I need to take care of first, if that's alright..." I replied.

"Oh, uh, what kind of chores? We'd be happy to help," Corey offered, obviously not expecting me to already have plans.

"Well I have to get a new driver's license from the DMV, update some bank information, enroll in school and go to the pet store to pick up some supplies," I listed, taking a tip of coffee and enjoying the much needed caffeine boost.

"Oh yes, of course! I guess that we hadn't really thought of all that, but we'd be happy to take you, Olivia!" Alice said and took the plates of bacon and pancakes into the living room. 

I didn't intend for Alice and Corey to have to drop everything to assist me with my chores, but it was nice of them to offer and it would be good to get to know them better, so I agreed.

Corey yelled up the stairs to tell Matt that breakfast was ready and I followed them into the dining room for breakfast.

After breakfast my new parents and I got into the car to get some errands done. I stared out the backseat window while Alice drove to the DMV. We passed streets filled with large houses, sidewalks and big front yards. I watched the residential neighborhoods turn into small shops and businesses. 

We drove through a cute downtown area with flowers in planters, tall lamp posts and parks throughout. We drove past downtown and I think I heard Corey mention that we needed to go to the next town over. 

The ride there was largely quiet, but before I knew it we pulled up to the DMV. I wondered how my other parents made my fake ID and how I made it so long without ever running into any issues with it. Granted, we didn't travel on planes often, but they must have had someone on the inside, since I had just recently received my driver's license in the mail a few months ago. I shook my head, knowing that I would never get answers to all my questions without talking to my parents.

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