4. Unpacking

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I woke up early the next morning and changed into workout clothes, feeling motivated to go on a run and explore the neighborhood. I had a few things still on my list that I wanted to get done today, but otherwise had no definitive plans. 

Alice and Corey were already in the kitchen and looked like they were dressed for work.

"Good morning, Olivia! How did you sleep?" Alice asked while eating some toast. I poured myself a cup of coffee and joined her at the kitchen island.

"I slept really well, thanks. Are you both off to work soon?" I asked, genuinely curious about their daily schedule.

"Yes, we should head out soon. Are you sure you'll be alright here without us?" Alice asked, sounding concerned, like she felt badly for leaving.

"Of course, I have a few things I wanted to get done today, changing my address and name on a few accounts and things, hopefully unpack if they bring over the rest of my things and I was going to go for a run this morning," I told them.

Corey paused at the sink and turned towards me briefly, "Um, please be careful on your run. Stay close to home and call me if you need anything."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering why he sounded so worried. I decided to voice my thoughts and asked him, "Is this a dangerous neighborhood, or....?"

"No, nothing like that, it's just that, uh...." Corey trailed off and I suddenly realized he was referring to the fact that I had been kidnapped all those years ago. 

"Oh, yeah. I will be careful, I promise," I replied, still hoping that they would let me go. 

He nodded from across the room and finished up with his dishes before telling Alice that they should get going. They said goodbye and left for work, leaving me with a key that I could take running.

I left the house shortly after they did and it felt great to be outside running again. I was finally starting to feel normal again as I jogged along the sidewalk. 

I tried not to make many turns so that I could easily find my way back home. I could feel my legs burning under me since I hadn't been running in at least two weeks. 

It was interesting to look at the large houses as I ran past and soon I found myself standing in front of a small pond. There was a fountain in the middle of the man-made pond and a playground beside the water. A few families were already on the playground, while others were walking their dogs around the water. 

I briefly wondered where Ryan lived, I know that Matt mentioned that he lived relatively nearby, just a few blocks away. I brushed the thought out of my head and continued my run, going around the pond, before deciding to head home.

I showered and threw on a dark red V-neck shirt and jeans before heading downstairs to explore the backyard while I had the house to myself. Matt was home, but still asleep and I wasn't expecting him to wake up anytime soon. 

I stepped outside to see a large patio with grills and an outdoor living room, including a TV, chairs and couch. There was an oval-shaped pool and grass area beyond it. I dipped my foot into the water and wished that I had thought to go swimming after my run, but I didn't have my suit. I stepped in the water up to my ankles and sat on the edge of the pool, taking in my new home.

I sighed at all the changes I was still adjusting to and decided to go inside to knock some items off of my list. I went to my room and opened my laptop, deciding to email the company that I worked for in Chicago to see if I could keep my job, but work remotely. 

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