19. The Truth

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I was still reeling a few days after we got home from Chicago. 

It was such a fun trip and I wished that it could have lasted longer, but before I knew it, Ryan and I were stuck in the backseat of the car once again.

I watched the buildings flash by outside my window as we left the city. 

I had so many unanswered questions after visiting my hometown, but pushed those thoughts aside, trying to focus on the positives from this weekend. I thought back to Kate's party, how good it was to see my best friend, and how fun it was to show my friends and brother around the city, Ryan and my breakfast at the diner, and the photo from my parents.

The skyscrapers turned into trees and I couldn't help but yawn as everything seemed to blur together. I felt my eyes droop shut and rested my head against the window, hopping that sleep might make the trip home go faster.

I felt a nudge against my leg and let out a quiet groan as I pried my eyes open. 

I quickly realized that I must have moved in my sleep because my head was now resting on Ryan's shoulder, just like I did this morning by the fountain. 

Ryan's hand was gently nudging my leg and I slowly lifted my head, muttering an apology under my breath.

"We're almost there," Ryan said quietly and I just nodded. I looked past Ryan and saw familiar houses rushing by out the window.

I said goodbye as Matt dropped Michelle and Ryan off at their respective houses. I was still feeling groggy by the time Matt and I got home, but woke up a bit as we sat down for a family dinner and told our parents about our trip. 

Afterwards, I got some homework done and climbed into bed early.

It took a lot of motivation to get myself out of bed the next day, and even though I was a few minutes late to my first class, I made it there. 

I slipped into my seat as the bell rang and Ryan gave me a confused look, probably because I was usually earlier than him. 

I grinned sheepishly back at him, whispering about how I overslept. He didn't get a chance to respond as our teacher started class.

I really tried hard to pay attention to our lesson, but couldn't manage to focus. Ryan must have noticed because he turned to me as soon as the bell rang, "Tired?"

As if on cue, I immediately yawned and laughed at the coincidence, "I guess I am!"

I packed up my notebook and Ryan followed me into the busy hallway.

"So, I was thinking that since we didn't get any homework done last weekend, that we could study tonight? Or even just hang out, maybe watch a movie or something?" he suggested. 

I smiled to myself, knowing that I couldn't say no to hanging out with Ryan.

"Yeah, that sounds fun! Did you want to come over to my place or...?" I asked, leaving my question open-ended, wondering if he instead wanted to hang out at his house or the library.

"We can hang out at my house. My mom's been asking about you ever since you came over for dinner a few weeks ago," he said.

"Okay, that'd be great. I have to stop at home first though. My parents won't be home until later tonight, so I need to let Toby out," I told him as we stopped in front of my math class.

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll see you tonight," he said with a grin. 

I waved as he turned to get to his next class, suddenly feeling more awake than I was this morning.

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