He's Back

18 1 0

I slowly back up to Austin when I see Isaiah. He puts a hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him.

Zach: why are you here

Isaiah: I want to talk to Lexi

Austin: she doesn't want to talk to you

Isaiah: I didn't here that from her

Lexi: I don't want to talk to you

Isaiah: I came here to change your mind about us

Lexi: there is no us and there never will be, and I'm starting to think why we ever were "best friends" cause your nothing but a jerk

Isaiah: you know what.....

He steps past Zach and walks up to me

Isaiah: you are nothing but a spoiled little brat. Just because your related to 3 bishops

Lexi: I'm tired of you always acting like your better than everyone and you can bet everyone up. I could break you arm

Isaiah: like you could push me.

Zach walks up and puts arm around my other waist when Isaiah takes another step closer

Isaiah: I could beat you up and you would be bleeding and crying on the ground for me to stop

Lexi: I'm sick of you, you always act like this and it's REALLY annoying. I wish we never met

Isaiah: I'm tired of you. You have ad always will be a spoiled brat. It'll be easier to forget you than this conversation

He turns and walks out of the backyard and slams the gate shut behind him

I turn and cry into Zach's shirt. They both pull me into a hug with me standing in the middle

Austin: shhh it's ok

Zach: don't cry about him he's not worth it

I pull away from them and walk over to the pool chair an sit down. They follow behind me and pull a 2 chairs over ad sit down in front of me

Lexi: it's just that part I me really couldn't take him anymore and the other part didn't want to let him go. We were just so close and I've known him for so long I just...

Austin: couldn't take it anymore

Zach: so you let it all out

Lexi: ya...

Austin: let's go inside and watch tv

Lexi: ok

I grab my bag and hand Zach his phone back

We walk inside and Austin turns the tv on

Zach: hey um why is there red in my phone case

I look in my bag an pick a half opened bottle of kool-aid

Lexi: sorry I must hav not closed it

Zach: it's fine

I look back in my bag a grab my shirt drenched in red ad my other clothes are mostly dry

Lexi: hey Austin can I borrow a shirt. There was an accident with mine

Austin: ya sure

Lexi: also do you think I could take a shower her also

Austin: ya sure

He walks upstairs and I follow I go to the bathroom and put my bag down on the counter when I her a knock

I g to the door and open it. Austin hands me a towel and one if his shirts to use

Lexi: thanks

Austin: u stream is starting in 30 minutes just letting you know

Lexi: ok I'll be done in 15

He smiles and walks away. I close the door and take all the clothes out my bag and put the stained shirt in.

I turn the shower in and get in. I think about what happened with Isaiah. I just had to tell him the truth about what happened

I get in and out in 5 minutes. I rap the towel around me and start braiding my hair.

Once I finish I get dressed and put my swimsuit in my bag close if and head downstairs. I find Austin and Zach yelling at the tv watching basketball



Austin: YES I-

Lexi: hey guys games over stop yelling

Zach & Austin: sorry...

Austin: ready to do U stream

Lexi: yep let's go

We run upstairs to his room an he sits down at his desk and Zach and I sit down on the bed.

Zach: nice room

Austin: thanks

He types some things in his computer and a screen pops up showing us

Austin: now we just wait for people to watch

With in 5 minutes there is 500 people watching. Zach pulls up a chair and sits next to Austin and I walk over to them and pull up a chair and sit in between them

Austin: hey everyone these are my friends and I've just been hanging out with them all day and ya... feel free to ask questions

A few questions pop up about Zach like who he is and he introduces himself

Austin stars singing and finishes and has over 600 viewers. A comment pops up that's recognizable

Cool_girl 96: who's the ugly girl in the middle

Austin and Zach turn there heads toward me and I run out the room

The Kid Next Door(A Austin Mahone Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now